Trieste (R.I.P.) profile picture

Trieste (R.I.P.)

About Me

Due to unfortunate circumstances, Trieste is no longer a functioning band. Thanks to anyone that supported us the last two years. It's been a tough road. The individual members may or may not persue other music and non-musical interests. All the members are on here so if you're interested in trying to bag a talented musician for your own project, any of the five members are good, dedicated musicians. Contact at your own risk, all sales final. The instrument related members of Trieste would like to thank Dave Ayling for jumping into the fold and trying to make sense of this wacky band, and coming up with some awesome, unique vocals. Thanks Dave. Alright, that's it. Over and out.

My Interests


Member Since: 6/12/2007
Band Website: none
Band Members: Jeff "Jeffman 98" Bedow - Guitar
Dann "That Guy" Dolce - Guitar
Pete "Skinny" Vander Aa - Bass
Mike "TMI" Imbordino - Drums
Dave "The Rocktopuss" Ayling - Vocals
Influences: N/A
Record Label: none

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