Ashley. profile picture


just one more thing before you leave... don't forget to remember me♥

About Me

♥ Nothing's going to change destiny: whatever's meant to be will work out perfectly ♥ ♥Take chances and have no regrets, because at one point, what you did was what you wanted...♥ Well, I thought I might actually fill this thing out. Let's see... I am 20 years old and am a JUNIOR at the University of Illinois! It is definitely good times but a lot of hard work. I love school, but as much as I love it I want to get it over with, get a job, start my life and have babies! Until recently, I had NO IDEA what I wanted to do with my life... but I have figured it out, and now have a plan to make it happen. I am excited and anxious to see what the future holds for me!Basically all you need to know about me is I am a SHOPAHOLIC and go shopping at least twice a week, it's bad but I am addicted. I love fashion and always try and keep up with the trends, which I often find gets me into trouble financially. I find myself to be quite the WORKOUTAHOLIC as well. I workout everyday and enjoy my fitness classes like Body Attack, Body Pump, Cardio Camp, and Cardio Pump! I'm always in such a good mood afterwards. I AM ADDICTED TO ENERGY DRINKS! (Monster Lo-Carb, the best, haha) I am also addicted to taking at least 40 pictures every time I go out, I love it! I don't think I could live without my camera. I love my friends and family as well as my boyfriend of almost 6 years, Brian. Well, I'm sure I'll update this thing some other time when I am procrastinating studying :)pics:
This layout is from!

My Interests

shopping 4-5 days a week, fashion, working out [cardio camp/cardio pump/body attack/body pump], taking pictures, being a tanorexic, sloths, energy drinks (monster lo-carb)

I'd like to meet:

lots of people


I love EVERYTHING! (except that hard metal crap or country, although some is okay). I love me a good rap song (especially the ones I can juke to)


American Beauty, Little Miss Sunshine, Stranger Than Fiction, Forrest Gump, Cruel Intentions, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Garden State, Requiem For A Dream, ANYTHING and EVERYTHING with Will Ferrell, Grease, Dumb & Dumber, Wedding Crashers, Derailed, list goes on...


The Girls Next Door! love it, Sex and the City (all time fave and own every episode), The OC (miss it), anything on VH1 or E!, Conan O'Brien!, American Idol, Friends, Everybody Loves Raymond, love starting mornings off with the Today Show, hm I could also go on for days here too...


I don't read much, but the last book I read was The Lovely Bones and I loved it! I mainly read magazines if anything... US Magazine, Cosmo, Glamour, People, etc...


all those taken from us too young...

My Blog

instead of studying....

1. What does your best friend call you? "gate", ass, asholey 2. How many people would you say you've been "serious" with?probably 2 3. Have you ever streaked?nooopeeee 4. Would you prefer a thunder...
Posted by ♥ash0ley♥ on Mon, 05 Mar 2007 10:52:00 PST