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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I play guitar for Turrigenous.

I dont have much of a social life, and I usually spend that time doing music related things.

I am weird.

My Interests

Guinness, guitar, Manhattan, old Nintendo games, Arnold Schw. movies, Urban exploring, playing guitar for people, eating,

I'd like to meet:

Jim Cramer, People with handelbar moustaches, the real Gene Nuveau, Hulk Hogan, Stevie Wonder, George Washington, Dave Grohl, Marty Friedman, Frank Gambale, Alan Holdsworth, Guthrie Govan, Greg Howe (why not?) and Opeth.

Here are some videos:

Turrigenous - Emptiness, Darkness, Acceptance

Turrigenous - Bloodsick


Nirvana, Opeth, The Beatles, Necrophagist, Meshuggah, Danny Elfman, Megadeth, Wesley Willis, Alice in Chains, Stone Temple Pilots, old Soundgarden.I realize theres a lot of music that I kinda dig but I cant remember it. I dont even really like music anymore. I try to concentrate on my own and not listen to anyone or anything else, except to understand the brilliance behind it.


Dawn of the Dead, Halloween, Ghostbusters I and II, Predator, Commando, Dick Tracy, Steven Segal movies, cheezy zombie movies, they Live, Day of the Dead, Nosferatu, Halloween II, Walk Like A Man, UHF, Night of the Living Dead, Monty Python and the Holy Grail


Jim Cramers Mad Money, Mystery science theatre 3000! anything on the History channel or Comedy Central, Seinfeld, ESPN, Knight Rider, The Simpsons


Not really a reader :| But anything weird, or about Math, Space, Science, Music or the JFK Assassination, or music theory stuff.


Jim Cramer, Frank Gambale, Guthrie Govan, The Chic Corea Electric band! Jason Becker, Marty Friedman, Shawn Lane, Alan Holdsworth, Arnold Schwartzenegger, Wesley Willis, Tammy Fae Baker, Kimbo Slice, the guy from the Montgomery Rap videos,

Gerald :)

My Blog

The good son, I am

Yeh for Xmas I bought my dad the Gretsch Country Gentleman ( ;sourcetype=singleitemsearch), something he's always wanted since he saw it in 19...
Posted by Vullo on Fri, 04 Jan 2008 12:22:00 PST

Frank Gambale... jesus christ...

Ok, sooooooooooo last night I got to check out Frank Gambale with the Chic Corea band.  Now im a bad 'jazz musician' cuz I dont know shit about any of these guys, their music etc.  I just know a PHENO...
Posted by Vullo on Mon, 31 Dec 2007 11:51:00 PST

y’see... theo!

Tonight I was reminded why I like playing guitar, and why I like doing what im doing.  Tonight we played pretty much every song Greg and I know and we must have played for an hr and a half. ...
Posted by Vullo on Tue, 11 Sep 2007 01:18:00 PST

you know

im not feeling super like i sometimes feel like.  I woke up this morning after having a bad dream and kinda felt 'defeated'.  But it should pass in a few hrs, or after my nap.  Heres a ...
Posted by Vullo on Fri, 17 Aug 2007 10:12:00 PST