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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I Play Bass for Londons very own Punk n Roll kings "THE MEENIES".... I also play bass for Londons very own pretty boy punk n rollers "THE SHARONS"... GO CHECK EM BOTH OUT!
Contact Box Generated from www....netYour results:
You are The Flash
The Flash 85%
Iron Man 85%
Spider-Man 75%
Green Lantern 75%
Superman 70%
Robin 60%
Hulk 60%
Supergirl 50%
Wonder Woman 50%
Catwoman 35%
Batman 30% Fast, athletic and flirtatious.
Click here to take the Superhero Personality Quiz
Which Star Wars character would you be? (pics)
created with QuizFarm.com
You scored as Boba Fett

One of the most feared and ruthless bounty hunters in the galaxy. You are very intelligent with a highly accute and dedicated mind. Now if only you could wash the empiral trash off your ship.

Boba Fett


Darth Maul




Han Solo




Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader


Leia Organa


Luke Skywalker


Obi-Wan Kenobi


Padme Amidala


My Interests

I'd like to meet:

ALWAYS WANTED TO MEET THAT PERFECT GIRL,THE ONE WHO CAN MAKE ME SMILE WHEN I FEEL DOWN.. AND MAKE ME LAUGH AT MYSELF WHEN I ACT LIKE AN IDIOT (which i do sometimes)THE ONE IVE ALWAYS DREAMT ABOUT...AND THE ONE WHO TRUELY EXCEPTS ME FOR WHO I AM... AND NOW I HAVE! ........... also...Joe strummer (aint gonna happen R.I.P), Joey Rammone (aint gonna happen R.I.P), Johnny Cash (aint gonna happen R.I.P), Tim Armstrong (Again), Lemmy (again), Glenn Danzig, MIKE NESS (Now this one could happen), George Lucas, Pink, Keira knightley

My Blog

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