Jenocifero profile picture


Live. Love. Be. Believe.

About Me

I'm Jennifer :)
Snotface to Rune, Jensplat to silly people, "Oi, You" to others, I'm 18, and I have absolutely no clue what i want to do with my life as of yet, exams are over and so i'm on the hunt for a summer job, or i should be. I get distracted far too easily
I'm a really undecisive person, i'd rather have other people make decisions for me...I need to start thinking for myself really, aha.
I'd like to think i'm a friendly enough person, although i am really irritable. Everything annoys me somedays and i always seem to take things out on the people closest to me, but they know to ignore me when i'm like that, so it's fine :)
I like to have a drink or 5 with friends and i'm glad for the days when i can. I understand that growing up means drifting away from friends, it's unavoidable really - people change, tastes change and the things you used to have in common aren't as important any more. I think at the end of the day if you have no=one else, family are always going to be there for you.
I can change my 'favourite' band everyday, going for weeks with just listening to one band...and then not listening to them for months, i have a new favourite song everyday (near enough) and i'll dance to anything i hear if i'm in a good mood/hyper/drunk.
My makeup is never perfect, my hair isn't always right, but at the end of the day no-one honestly looks like those girls in the magazines, (i think they're just there to make us all feel bad :) ♥
My boy keeps me sane...i mean yeah, we argue a fair bit, but it is usually over nothing worth arguing about, and it always works out in the end. He tells me i have a spazzy face, which makes me mad, but then he tells me i have a beautiful face, and he believes that. He endures my moods, he stands my bitching, my whinging, and the way i always seem to be shouting at him for something or other. I don't know how he's managed to cope with me for the last 11 months, but i'm glad he has. He has the cutest smile in the world, the best squeezes in the world, he's the sweetest person i've ever known, he's mine and i love him to pieces.
If there's anything you want to know just ask, i'll talk to anyone really as long as you're not a complete knobhead :)
I'll delete you if you add me then don't talk though, because that's just silly. Also, don't request to be friends with me if we have absolutely nothing in common and i don't know you, that's also silly.

My Interests

family, friends, joshua, sleep, parks, swings, red lipstick, black nail varnish, the birthday massacre, early morning texts, bright colours, clouds, dresses, shopping, when my bank balance goes up, being a bum, prawn crackers, being late, dorothy perkins jeans, southern comfort and lemonade, orange wednesdays, MahJongg Rivers, primark, student discount, EMA, late night msn convos, bubblegum ice lollies, eyeliner, red bull, picnics, weak coffee, new look bags, unlimited texts, pretty shoes.

Dislikes include: bitches, liars, all in one face base 02 from the body shop and how it always breaks in my bag, people who claim to be 'photographers' yet can't take a decent picture, people who think themselves better than everyone else, 14/15 year olds who think it's cool to get tattoos they'll hate in 5 years time & drink/smoke their lives away, people who don't try and get everything they want, attention whores, whores in general, clean hair and then it rains, when there's no alcohol left, people who have their tits out on near enough every myspace picture, when headphones break, liver, manipulative people, strong coffee, when there's no money in my bank account, bad spelling, people who claim they're 'individual', being jobless... i could go on forever.

I'd like to meet:


Something upbeat, anything i can silly dance to.


& more


If you would've asked me a couple of years ago, i would've put down films like the exorcist, the devils rejects, house of 1000 corpses...they are good films, but these days i prefer ones that aren't all about blood and guts and wierd goings on .

The Neverending Story, P.S I Love You, Lord Of The Dance, Feet Of Flames, The Devil Wears Prada, 13 Going On 30, The Lost Boys, Drop Dead Fred, The Nightmare Before Christmas.


The Hills, America's Next Top Model, Buffy, Angel, Neighbours, House.


I never, ever finish books.


my mother's the most amazing person i know