You should know me by now bitches :).. **I like to speak in lyrics, becasue I believe they describe me better than I can myself.** .... I am a pisces, born on an aries cusp.
That should state a lot.
(If that makes no sense to you, then I am sorry.) .... I am in the making. .... I am a real person. .... What you see is what you get- sometimes. .... I am not afraid of emotions, or to show them, and I dislike people who believe otherwise. .... I am the true Emo of Annville.
I am Emo at heart. .... I have beliefs that I stick to.
And I can get sidetracked very easily.
But I always find my way back. .... I have trust issues.
But if I open up to you, you're doing something right. .... *"I want so badly to believe that there is truth- and love is real.
And I want life in every word to the extent that its absurd."* .... I do not use words that do not hold great meaning to me.
And the words I do use have meaning. .... I always make sense.
And I always speak clearly.
I just like to confuse. .... Sarcasm is my best friend .... I am poetic, and sometimes over use my license. .... Writing intrigues me. .... Roses make me happy. .... I am full of passion, and not afraid to express it. .... I do believe in love, and lust at first sight. .... The people I love I would never give up for anything...
I would take a bullet for each one of them. .... A box full of sharp objects would be the greatest present given to me of all times.
Along with sex.
In a bed of rose petals.
And candles.
That smell like rain.
And gardenias. .... I am a hopeless romantic. .... I want to believe there is good in everyone.
And I will spend my whole life trying to bring it out of someone.
If I were dumber.
But I have, sadly, already realized that as people grow up, they lose that "good." .... I hope to never lose the "good" inside of me. .... Growing older frightens me.
As do clowns.
And dolls. .... There are stupid people on this earth. They should be here. For entertainment. .... I believe that people who do not listen to themselves are the ones who need to be shot. .... Cubic Zerconia is the most... interesting item in the world to me. .... Music makes me live.
It is what keeps me from bleeding. .... I am just human.
I've made many mistakes, and will continue to make them. .... I don't hate.
That's too powerful for me. .... If I cannot get along with you, don't push it.
I can get along with anyone, so if we don't mesh, back off. .... All I ask for is honesty, and trust.
Trust me to be honest, and honestly trust me. .... Communication is the most beautiful thing to me. .... I ask for love. .... I believe in balance. .... Karma is real. .... Fate guides us all. .... I believe in the afterlife.
And don't fuck with angry spirits. .... Yes, I do talk to myself.
But I believe myself when I speak. .... Metal .... Music .... Ink .... Blood .... I admire anyone who holds passion in their daily life. .... And those who know their shit when they open their mouth. .... *"And I for one can see no blood from the hearts and wrists you allegedly slit."* .... I do believe in second chances, and that everyone needs one. .... I also believe in thrid and fourth chances.
But only certain people deserve them.
Only those who truly mean it. .... Lies hurt me worse than you can ever believe. .... If you hurt me, you lose me.
There are no second chances for you. .... If you can tell who truely is good, and who is evil, I will admire you. .... Yes,
there is good and evil in the world. .... I don't ask for you to believe me.
I ask for open ears, and minds. .... I don't ask for people to be on myside. .... I don't judge. .... I look on the inside before the out. .... If you cannot handle me at my worst, then you do not deserve me at my best.
And trust me, Sweetie, you've never seen my at my worst. /space>.. If you think you've felt cold, then come touch me.
I'll prove you wrong. .... If you think you understand revenge then I challenge you to test me.
Then you'll really understand revenge. .... I don't physically hurt you.
That's your job.
I just get inside your mind until it bleeds. .... If you fascinate me, then congradulate yourself.
You must be a real person. .... I love to make people think.
Make them realize who they really are. .... If I really loved you, I'd bend over backwards, and beyond to make you happy.
I'd put you first.
Me last.
And not ask for anything in return. .... I'd cry if I loved you, and you didn't love me back. .... I'd wait my whole life if the person I loved told me to. .... I read people like books.
If your pages are blurry, I won't give up until I decipher them. .... If my ramblings interest you then talk to me. .... If they confuse you, read them again.
Once you understand, then let me know. ..
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