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About Me

Myspace Layouts For Girls Only -
Girly Myspace Comments
i like guys who drive fast cars
i'm determined to buy this
first off....
*I know for a fact that i'm better than you (ie...i'm smarter, prettier, & 100% real
ps...please read the scrollbox before you even think about adding me

so this is me...
*I have dignity
*no matter what you do or what you try you will not be able to bring me down
*i'm fucking wide awake. i can see all your bullshit. don't be fooled just because i play along.
*don't trust me....i'm definitely a con
*i'm agnostic bitches... get over it
*i wear skinny jeans & converse practically everday now
*i'm trying to become a pacifist but it's a lot harder than it looks... i swear!
*up in the streets they call it murder
*i don't wear a gallon of make-up like most girls (eye shadow at most for me)
*i'm 5'3 and weigh about 102 lbs
*no i'm not anorexic so get off it... you're just mad because you're a fucking adipose fat ass
*i absolutely adore music
*it takes me 5 min to do my hair in the morning (i like the disheveled look)
*with my outfits i match things that make you question your existence
*tell me your opinion so i can tell you everything that's wrong with it.
*i actually don't mind labels
*people who are disrespectful annoy the shit out of me & i snap on them
*all you wannabes don't have what it takes to take a shot at me... to put me in my place
*confront me now, i'll enjoy it
*my spirit's sleeping somewhere cold
*i walk like a one-man army
*start with straight shots & then pop bottles flirt with the hoodrats & then pop throttle (yes i know i changed the words)
*add me on aim/yahoo/msn... it's dommami08
*my love is pure
*i've encountered ghosts
*insecurities are a bitch
*will you love you for you at the end of it all?
*i can do whatever i want like you
*i'm so against war it's not even funny. really. it's not funny
*take a look around. we're in hell.
*it's fine that you're sucky. i'm used to it. most people are like that.
*visions i have seen are fucking torn
*you're just a LITTLE BOY. all you do is ANNOY.
*tongue-tied and twisted are all my memories
*& yes i like getting levitated
*don't ever feel sorry for me
*there's one way in. but no way out. i'll tell you bout this girl deep, deep in the south.
so if you're reading this...there's so much more to me you haven't seen

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My Interests

BUY ME: vitamin water



I'd like to meet:

screw xbox...i play old school ninetndo

i love fruity pebbles


haha i love these kids to no extent...
the ever beloved danny (i can tell you anything)'re the one who keeps me grounded...don't change
butteredpopcorn/ know everything there is to know about're my amasian sister haha
jeremiah...omg never a dull times= jeremiah there haha
lance...come on who doesn't love this kid lol
kari..we share our love for hags haha...aka hot asian guys
dc & tj... i swear these are my ride or die dudes...i'd do anything for them & i love them haha even though they're lameeeeeeee :)
hunter... haha i think you know TOO much
jacob... when i need you all i have to do is turn around & you're there
haha jesse... never a dull/uncute moment when you're around...
haha katrina...indescribable
white chedda!/kendall lol.... sometimes you're overdramatic but you wouldn't be kendall without that lol
alain... i'll always love him.
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My Blog


360square onebare onei fucking stare a tonof thoughts swirlingshit starts hurlingit feels like a whirlwindbut it's the same stuff, i've seen it allonly the names falldifferent to protect the innocentt...
Posted by tricky on Mon, 21 Apr 2008 05:28:00 PST