MeritAset Una Nefer profile picture

MeritAset Una Nefer

I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

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TREASURES OF ISIS JEWELRY DESIGNS---------EBAY SELLER NAME CHILDOFEGYPT. I ACCEPT PAYPAL on ebay.--------------New website: ---- -- I have been making jewelry for about four years. My jewelry style is a focus on ancient Egyptian Jewelry of my own style, as well as ancient replicas of Egyptian styles. On the jewelry item list are: Replica Egyptian dynastic jewelry, Egyptian collars, Earrings, necklaces, bracelets, gemstone stretch bracelets, chokers, wrist cuffs. I dont just make Egyptian jewelry either. I create other pagan designs such as Celtic, Wiccan, Gothic, Victorian, Gay Pride and modern styles. I work extensively with gemstones and semi precious stones. I create dance jewelry, bellychains and jingle arm and ankle braceletes for belly dancers, as I am a dancer too. I also sell medicine bags with my own painted Egyptian art designs as well as blank ones of various sizes. I also make and sell modern jewelry with my own unique style. ALL MY ITEMS ARE ONE OF A KIND-I DONT USUALLY MAKE DUPLICATES UNLESS REQUESTED. My craft is very intricate and researched highly for the best ancient replica quality. Most of my product comes from Fire Mountain Gems, a wholesale jeweler's catalog and wholesale markets on ebay who vend high end products. And my work is very environmentally safe and cruelty free._____I ALSO DO HENNA TATTOOS. Where ever I vend I have a henna kit handy with me for tattoos. Prices vary based on detail, quantity and size of each tattoo design. Average price is $5.00 per hand or foot, but that ranges with size. You will see me at Grand Rapids Pagan Pride, Easttown Street Fair in Grand Rapids, Michigan Psychic Fairs (0n occasion) and other art fairs in the Great Lakes area.Myspace Backgrounds
..........TEMPLE OF ISIS, and yahoogroup..... men and women in Michigan and the Great Lakes area who feel a powerful draw to the Egyptian Mysteries and wish to meet with others who feel the same connection.In the Temple of Isis Michigan, one can learn:How to connect with the various Egyptian Gods and Goddesses and find which Netjer/u connect with you the most..... Education and discussions on Kemetic Gods and Goddesses..... Gemstones and astrological signs that apply to each God/desses..... Ritual work that you can perform at home or in a group..... How to create ritual garb and altar setup to feel connected during ritual..... How to make a connection with others who may otherwise feel completely alone, and how to establish a group._______ There is surprisingly a very large Kemetic/Egyptian community in West Michigan and Great Lakes area. There will hopefully be monthly meetings in which a specific deity will be discussed and all persons will have the opportunity to express themselves and what they have learned. There is also the goal to hold rituals with group members to celebrate the ancient Egyptian holidays, seasons, moon cycles and celebrations associated with specific Netjeru. (Gods) We just need to come together to do so and celebrate!________If interested please contact me through myspace inbox. Please give some background information on why you wish to be a part of Temple of Isis Michigan. This is to keep the trollers away. If no background information is given, the message will be rejected. this is crucial for the protection of the Temple and its members. I will not give out my personal information here such as email or cell phone for safety reasons.___ I am an Isian Priestess in progress. I formerly trained with the Fellowship of Isis. My goal is to eventually become ordained upon completion of more training. I had studied with the Fellowship for nearly three years but due to financial and personal issues, I was unable to complete the corrospondance. The Egyptian path has been a calling and has been tremendously good for me. My discovery of Egyptian magic came in 2005, and was solidified when I attended the "Quest For Immortality" exhibit at the Grand Rapids Public Museum in early 2006. I had a spiritual epiphany at the museum. It was quite incredible......I also bellydance, which is a spiritual aspect of my Kemetic/Egyptian beliefs. When I dance, I commune with Hathor, Goddess of dance, love, and fertility. I do not dance for public audiences. Only in ritual settings with others in the group.____._______ Please email me at myspace with information about yourself for verification of true nature to join and participate in this group and what draws you to Kemetic magic and ancient Egypt..... My URLs are: ... yahoogroup: or under pagan groups_____Thank you for your interest and Isis blessings and Light to you always.____MeritAset Una Nefer Priestess Handmaiden Apprentice Magician Level Three Fellowship of Isis.......................I ask that you respect my personal boundries..... NO ROMANTIC TROLLING FROM MEN, NO INTERNET MARRIAGE PROPOSALS....ABSOLUTELY NO "GIRLS GONE WILD" OR SPAM PROFILES!....NO DARK MAGIC PRACTITIONERS,....NO ADVERTISEMENTS (unless directly related to this site's subject matter.) AND DO NOT ASK ME FOR MY PERSONAL INFORMATION--------AND I DONT CYBERDATE! Thank you for respecting my space on this matter. This is to protect myself and future members of the Temple of Isis Michigan and purchasers of my jewelry.

MY photos with bellydancing, Egyptian God/desses, My jewelry and artwork. And some silly political humor. Best of all, pictures of my special babies, my cats.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

When I fall in love, or feel a draw to someone, it is not so much about gender, although I am attracted more to women. Its the emotional and empathic draw to that person, so if that person happens to be a male, what I feel will overcome that. So, I am slightly bisexual. When I meet the right person, I choose to share my life with that person wholly and yet maintain independence and autonomy in both of us and share our mutual love and respect. I wish to have a person to laugh with, joke with and be romantic with. I love to laugh and I am a practical joker. I would like to meet someone who is very spiritual, but not pushy about it. I would love to be with a person who loves Egypt as much as I do, or at least holds an interest in it. And has a thirst for knowledge as I do and enjoys bellydancing, (For the ladies) either watching or dancing right along with me. A person who loves animals is a MUST! especially cats! I dont smoke, in fact I am deathly allergic to smoke so no smokers. I dont want to be with someone who smokes, parties and does drugs or drinks to excess. An occasional glass of wine is cool, as I will have that on occasion, but I dont like alcohol in general and I dont like drunks. A sloppy falling down drunk is a major turn off! I am somewhat of a homebody and the bar scene isnt my scene. I am not fond of children. If someone has children and they are older, that is ok, (if they are good kids because I never wanted to BE a mother), but I dont want to be a mother to small children. I simply dont have the patience and have never wanted kids. Now, there is something special about a person with causes. A quote I read on Animal Planet's Whale Wars is "You havent lived until you found something worth dying for." I live by that and I totally agree. So a passionate political cause minded person is important. I am a bit of a quirky person, and not many ppl understand me and who I am. I have an intense personality and very strong about my beliefs. I have loved and lost so many times. I have been betrayed by so many "friends" and have been betrayed by groups and organizations. So I do have some trust issues in that area, especially with love. I have survived domestic violence and emotional/verbal/psychological abuse in relationships, so I approach with caution. I need to be with a person who has patience with me and wont push me into something I am not ready for. At this time I am very lonely. I have not had romance in my life in probably 5 years. But dont interpret that as desperate. Because I am selective, highly selective. A person with a beautiful, compassionate soul who cares about the planet and human rights, and animal rights is necessary. I prefer a vegetarian,like myself.I also have health issues and would need a person who has patience for that. There are days where I am great and can do alot, and then days where I am very much in pain and cant do a whole lot. I am on disability due to the pain which is from fibromyalgia and a severe car accident in the 90's. So patience is necessary. I am not lazy, although I cant work out in the work force, I work very hard at my jewelry business, which has been good to me. I am a romantic at heart, but not in the typical traditional ways. I am quirky romantic and can be quite randy hehe. But when I love someone, I love them intently and devote myself to that person, so long as they treat me with respect.

My Blog

Lousy thanksgiving today.

It sickened me today to watch my brothers gorge themselves on ham and turkey both. Personally I find this holiday disgusting because its all about stuffing your face with as much meat as possible, unb...
Posted by on Thu, 26 Nov 2009 23:55:00 GMT


I don't believe in "the end of the world". I think its Christian propaganda to make us believe we are gonna pay for our so called sins. I see the natural disasters as a NATURAL working of the tecton...
Posted by on Mon, 03 Aug 2009 16:50:00 GMT

PETITION TO STOP ANIMAL CRUELTY IN EGYPT or-the-animalsI came across this website, and it is a petition to stop the indiscrimenate killing of dogs and cats for sport in Egypt. There...
Posted by on Fri, 01 May 2009 20:48:00 GMT


..Goddess Isis calls to all who share Her vision of the universe. Once called, some of us answer, and, with that answer, begins an amazing relationship between the human and the divine - Because Isis ...
Posted by on Fri, 27 Mar 2009 00:16:00 GMT


..The concept of the Ka and the Ba is an ancient one which is not so easy to understand for our western minds. The ancient Egyptians regarded the human being as made up of five different elements; the...
Posted by on Wed, 25 Mar 2009 20:53:00 GMT


December 21, 2012 I believe that those who are of higher consciousness such as ourselves and ppl Iknow who do not use religion as a control mechanism will experience a phenomenalchange on this date. T...
Posted by on Tue, 10 Mar 2009 22:30:00 GMT


IN MEMORY OF A SPECIAL FELINE FRIEND, MY ISABELLA: May, 1998-Feb 20, 2009.On February 20 my eleven year old cat, Isabella had to be humanely euthanized due to conjestive heart failure and kidney fai...
Posted by on Mon, 09 Mar 2009 00:10:00 GMT


I changed my home page because I guess I have created a wall against meeting more ppl by restricting it to my business and temple. I put my usual guards back up. I have a wall up against meeting ppl b...
Posted by on Thu, 01 Jan 2009 23:49:00 GMT


Pagan..s Among.. Us: A Fact,.. and How to Handl..e Aldou..s TylerYou leave.. your house.., and wave at your neigh..bor as they tend their.. front.. flowe..rbed... in your car, you turn...
Posted by on Fri, 26 Sep 2008 04:57:00 GMT

IN MEMORY OF PEANUT 9/9/08-9/13/08

I  have been taking care of a tiny newborn white kitten for about a week. She was abandoned by her mother last weekend. I named her Peanut. Unfortunately, she passed away about 2am Saturday ...
Posted by on Sun, 14 Sep 2008 22:46:00 GMT