jigga boo jones. profile picture

jigga boo jones.

are you there?

About Me

the sound is not asleep, it's moving under my feet.

i play guitar in dog-day cicada

my friends and family are the most important part of my life, and i love you all deeply. without you, and you know who you are...i'd probably be really bored. more so than usual...

My Interests

playing & performing music. writing music & words. m o v i e s. driving backwards.

I'd like to meet:

someone who will give me a massage.




oldboy. the godfather. jurassic park. lost in translation. eternal sunshine. the royal tenenbaums. rushmore. darjeeling limited. forest gump. shawshank redemption. 28 days later. the descent. jurassic park. city of god. a lot lot more.


the office


salem's lot, the green mile, shawshank redemption, forest gump, jurassic park.


george maguffin.

My Blog


 my dog is standing like 3 feet away from me and i can smell her nasty breath from here. go away winnie.    
Posted by jigga boo jones. on Sat, 11 Feb 2006 11:18:00 PST