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ellen bragason

About Me

About me: I am a Dutch born singer songwriter of English ballads. Accompany myself on the guitar. All my songs are little fragments of our lives. I care deeply about the environment and the conservation of worlds wild life... wrote some songs about these topics. My motto "In all things be somebody...make a difference if you can, and avoid trying to be someone else"Lived in South Africa for most part of my life Did the circuit for very many years, playing in restaurants, hotels, markets, Played and sung in Johannesburg, with Des Lindberg, Dawn Silver and Nick Taylor...we made a single in 65 at The Wits Uninversity Folf Festival called "Killed another man", not a brilliant title today!!!! I contributed in setting up the original folk club there, and in later years played at the Durban Folk Club where I was called "the lady with the voice" alias Helen Vee. Played mostly alone.. but often with extremely talented other muso's, whose music I miss today.. Mim, Fiona, Mike Raftery, Dave Atkinson.. the list goes on... and hell I miss Mike Smith!! in memoriam... I did as you asked.. Namibia is on my CD "Looking Back".Now residing in the Netherlands...still making music... the "fire islands" ever present. When I'm here I want to be there.. when I'm there I want to be here....the move was an inevitable ultimatum and had nothing to do with crime or politics!We regularly meet with our talented musical friends, made a few cd's.. but certainly not without the help/time/love/patience of special people that wonderfully share our lives. I will always be happy with new musical friends that I can work with and share their/my music... thats why I write songs..to share them with those who take the time to listen!!!!Within the realms of my human limitations, I strife for happiness... for myself and especially others.My friends Shlomo & Miki Goldwasser's have had to live in the hell of not knowing whether their son, Ehud Goldwasser, who was kidnapped by hezbollah in the north of Israel 2 years ago was still alive. We have had to conclude the hard reality of his death. I try to bring awareness for this brutal kidnapping... daily light some candles for peace in the east and the world!!! We are all in need of peace... let's give it a chance!I DO NOT COLLECT, NOR CARE ABOUT NUMBERS, ONLY SPECIAL PEOPLE MAKE IT TO MY FRIENDS!!!
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Member Since: 12/06/2007
Band Website: Music site www.myspace.com/palmellie
Band Members: As a folk singer I do my thing alone.. and when I'm lucky, I am joined by friends & co. My favourite, and special musical friends who play with me at lib!Arie Hertgers - my indispensible Taupin friend, a name I gave him because he co-writes music with me, songwriter, vocals, piano, guitar, keyboard, his Privateware will soon be on myspace I hope!! Ab Bergsma a true troubadour - songwriter, vocals, guitar, Dave Atkinson with his perfect pitch and is a absolute JT wizz on the guitar, Dick Morton - songwriter, vocals, guitar, Jim Spector - composer, guitar, My husband, my soundman, my bass player, my best friend. my everything with 2 golden hands, Pálmi Bragason - 5 string frettless bass, sound engineer, his own recording "Icestudio" is well worth a visit.. www.icestudio.nl.. undergoing some changes!!! many satisfied musicians have been here... me too ofcourse! Most music posted on Hyves and my space by Salvatore Sichi was recorded in the "icestudio". www.myspace.com/palmbass www.myspace.com/theicikles. Salvatore Sichi - www.Bandera [email protected] .. songwriter, composer, master guitarist, mandolin, cajon, keyboard, bass, vocals and almost any other instrument he can lay his hands on. Gijs Hermans - composer, & the most talented pianist I know, and a dedicated friend, Gigi Baldeo - vocals, guitar, bass, Rob van de Ven - songwriter, vocals, guitar, bass A grateful THANK YOU so very much to you, and all the others that have shared with me their talents, their input, time & patience ... just when I needed you most!I welcome anyone who would like to make my songs come more to life than me.. music is for sharing... !!! thats why I write songs... without you the listener there is no point to this at all... then I can just write the lyrics down and publish another poetry book!!!
Influences: First and foremost Joan Baez.. through her I wanted to play guitar to sing her songs. Asha, alias Asher Quinn for his inspirational music and unbelievable caressing voice. Noa, Josh Groban, John Gorka, Lorena McKennit, Mary Black Judith Jobse, Kate Price, Madredeus, Mary Chapin-Carpenter, Melanie Safka... her kids, Leilah, Jordie and Beau Jarred are following in her footsteps, Eva Cassidy who died much too soon, and a whole lot more.. but it does give an indication of my taste. This video, great song, good lyrics, love the voice! TAKE IT AWAY JOSH........Josh Groban - February Song

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Sounds Like: Hopefully my folky self... was influenced by Joan Baez, .. all things are possible!!! Started writing my own songs at a very early age... and still going... as long as I have life..I sing about it. Briefly met my friend from Fort Lauderdale recently, Terry Barber... keep the songs alive Terry..! Vocal Artist, TERRY BARBER

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Record Label: ICD'S
Type of Label: Indie

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