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I am here for Friends

About Me

What to say? What to say? It's what is inside of a person that counts...I have an exceptionally stong imagination...I love sci fi and fantasy...can't get enough of it....I love music...all kinds...only a few things I can't stand like the real twangy country...omg...can't get away from it fast enough...but then I have contradictions, because some of the twangy stuff gets stuck in my head and I can't knock it out with a sledge hammer. I sometimes spontaneously explode with sarcastic humor, unfortunately it is usually at the worst times and I pay for it... I have hoof and mouth disease...for laymen that is open mouth insert foot...enough about me...I also love fantasy and erotic art some of my favorite artists of all time are: Brom, Luis Royo, Olivia de Berardinis, Boris Vallejo, Julie Bell, ARmando Huerta, Caldwell, Frank Frazetta, Dave Nestler, Erik Drudwyn, Hajime Sorayama, Hughes, Jennifer Janesko, Mobius, Posada, Lorenzo Sperlonga, Michael Li, Vladimir Kush, and numerous others that I can't recall off the top of my head.....I have made slide shows below with several of my favorites.....enjoy
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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Whoever...doesn't really matter who...we are all human beings...
New Improved Super Hero by wwillowwfaerie
Your Name
SuperHero Name BobbleHead Boy
Super Power Ability to change channels w/out a remote
Enemy Cows
Mode of Transport Wheelchair

Quiz created with MemeGen !

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