60x60 is a music project containing 60 electronic works each 60 seconds in length.These 60 recorded pieces are performed in succession without pause, creating a 1 hour performance. The performance is played in conjunction with a synchronized analog clock. At the top of each minute in the hour, the domain of space for the composer has begun. Composers who have written works less than 60 seconds are strategically and artistically placed within that minute; the remainder of the minute is filled with silence until the next minute begins.
During the concert each of the 60 pieces selected will begin precisely at the beginning of the minute, this will mark the end of one piece and the beginning of another. There will be no pause between the pieces. Works may be less than 60 seconds in length, but may not exceed 60 seconds. Works selected that are less than 60 seconds long will be “padded†with silence either before, after, or surrounding the composition. Please note that the total duration of the work including silence may NOT exceed sixty seconds.
The 60x60 project’s definition of a record work is as follows: any work created as a musical composition which is captured on recorded media, which does not require live performers for its production in broadcast at concert halls, radio, multi-media, etc. Its creation can include but not limited to acoustic instruments, voice, environmental sources, and computer (Sampling, MIDI, C Sound, ProTools, etc.)
Acoustic compositions should be submitted with the understanding that it is their recording that is of prime importance and is what will be used to determine its selection.
60x60 is a project of “signature works†and short works created specifically for the 60x60 project. Excerpts of larger works are strongly discouraged. Works generated from procedures (i.e. mathematical matrices, organizational systems, or computer programs,) remixed works, or themes and motives recomposed from other of the composer's own work are acceptable.
60x60 is open to composers, sound artisits, DJs, and electronic musicians of any nationality, age, or career stage.