The Stick profile picture

The Stick

When all else fails, go for the stick!

About Me

It's with a somewhat heavy heart that we have to announce that The Stick (as it is presently comprised) is no more. Due to unforeseen circumstances revolving around differences of opinion with regards to recording and the impending departure (for Florida) of our bassist and good friend John Tate we have decided to call it quits. It truly is unfortunate, since we really loved this band, the energy, the music, the friends we made and the bonds we have formed. But it is amazing at how quickly these bonds can unravel in just a matter of days. We hope that in the short lifespan of The Stick that we were able to entertain some of you and put a smile on a few faces.

All the best,
Chris, Drew, & John.

PS: Stay tuned for Drew's impending project 'The Saburai'.

My Interests


Member Since: 12/06/2007
Band Members: Vocals: Jacob
Bass, Vocals: Johnny
Guitar: Andrew James
Drums: Christopher

Influences: Sex, Our Cocks, Weapons of Mass Destruction, Failing Governments, Plastic, Depleted Ozone Layers, Women
Sounds Like: Hell infused with Heaven. Go to this website to hear more music from The Stick.
The Stick

Type of Label: Major

My Blog

Life goes on...

So it'll be exciting to see what music spawns from the craziness that was The Stick. All good things we're sure.  Jake will be heading off to venture into Sound Engineering , Mixing and Pro...
Posted by on Wed, 14 May 2008 16:29:00 GMT

The Stick is no more...

Sorry for the bad news, but it looks like The Stick is pretty much done.  Due to a number of circumstances, mostly revolving around recording, the band has pretty much come to an impasse.  ...
Posted by on Tue, 13 May 2008 17:49:00 GMT

Some live tracks for your listening displeasure!

So Jake provided me an mp3 of our show on April 19th at Seaside Tavern (still having trouble not referring to it as Jimmy's Seaside), and I decided to slice and dice and add a few tracks to our Myspac...
Posted by on Wed, 07 May 2008 22:18:00 GMT

Our first little bit of press...

The Stamford Advocate posted a nice little article on the band and our upcoming show this weekend.  Have a read... Stamford's Sicboy regroups as punk band The Stick Staff ReportsStamford Advocate...
Posted by on Thu, 17 Apr 2008 08:17:00 GMT

The Ides of March

We are excited to finally play our first show in New York on March 15th- and we couldn't be playing at a better venue or with more exciting bands. Don Pedro's in Brooklyn is a different kind of Rock '...
Posted by on Fri, 29 Feb 2008 10:09:00 GMT

A show for the ages!!!!

Well, that may be a bit of an overstatement, but nevertheless Saturday night's show was a memorable one.  First off, I must thank The Whores, Victor Bravo, and Scott Holcomb for making the trek u...
Posted by on Tue, 19 Feb 2008 10:35:00 GMT

"The year of the snake. Hungry wolves are howling." a blog by sniper

It's sad in some way.  How we flock, settle, and stir about our lonely human experience and never come to find the common line between the wealth of breath and the currency of lives.  That w...
Posted by on Wed, 19 Dec 2007 16:41:00 GMT

Viva la Revolucion

      Stick around... bear with us... soon....soon ... soon... so much does the future hold....   
Posted by on Wed, 10 Oct 2007 18:08:00 GMT


There are a lot of experiences that inspire and aggravate us in life. Some of those experiences make their way into the stream of consciousness that has developed a vast majority of the material we ha...
Posted by on Sun, 16 Sep 2007 21:00:00 GMT

UPDATE! New Live Recordings!!

Hi Everyone, We've just uploaded a whole new batch of songs.  Material you've heard on here before but all of these recordings were pulled from the garage floor this past Saturday in a moment of ...
Posted by on Mon, 30 Jul 2007 14:30:00 GMT