Just Cavalli Cafè Fashion Hours Dj Contest profile picture

Just Cavalli Cafè Fashion Hours Dj Contest

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Just Cavalli Cafè Fashion Hours DJ CONTEST
DJ Razorblade
DJ Lord John Minutes
DJ Ruggero
Dj Honeymoon Child
La Valigetta
Dj Salo
Non mancate all'evento!
Just Cavalli Fashion Hours
5 days
3 fashion hours
lunch: relaxed chill out- sexy food- eat and enjoy;
afternoon: candy oh candy; manga music and cartoon atmosphere…all is creamy!
evening: glam is back….french kitch; shake the hips like a shangai lady; all the hits and even more
Durante la settimana della moda uomo, in programma dal 23 al 27 Giugno 2007, il Just Cavalli Cafè di Via Spiga inaugura "Fashion Hours" 3 momenti della giornata: il pranzo, il pomeriggio, l’aperitivo; 3 esperienze eccezionali dove sperimentare la creatività del mondo Cavalli, attraverso il lavoro degli chef, dei barman, dei dj che Roberto Cavalli ha selezionato per stupire, ancora una volta, il suo pubblico.
A pranzo lo chef Leonardo Perazzoli, formato all’eccellente scuola spagnola di Ferran Adria del ristorante El Bulli, ha preparato 5 menu inediti di alta gastronomia, che saranno serviti durante i 5 giorni (dalle 12.00 alle 15.00) e mai piu’ riproposti in seguito.
Nel pomeriggio, il maestro pasticcere Enrico Parassina, ha trasferito i cromatismi della collezione Just Cavalli in eccezionali coppe gelato, mischiando gusti e consistenze e dando vita a forme surreali e ad accostamenti inaspettati: assoluta novità per il Just Cavalli Cafè.
Dalle 18 alle 21 "GLAM IS BACK"
Il Just Cavalli Cafè diventa il più esclusivo private-club di Milano e l’atmosfera si carica di sensualità. La fantasia dei barman ha creato 5 nuovissimi cocktail a base di Roberto Cavalli Vodka. Il dj set live, che cambierà ogni sera, inonderà di musica lo spazio e i polmoni.
Perfomers a sorpresa, luci improvvise, breaking news, contatti inaspettati riempiranno il tempo e i desideri di chi, superando il “velvet rope”, riuscirà ad accedere. L’ingresso sarà libero ma la selezione esigente…dunque DRESS UP…YOU MIGHT GET IN!
Un’installazione eccezionale ed imponente trasformerà la vetrina centrale su Via Spiga nel "boudoir" d’ingresso del mondo di sotto: 4 mega screen trasmetteranno immagini, suoni, sensazioni di Fashion Hours comunicandole all’esterno.
Il menù scorrerà in tutte le lingue del mondo, insieme alle esclusive ricette e alle immagini dei piatti fotografate ed esposte come in un tecno-cino ristorante di Shangai.
Reality cooking: i nostri chef cucineranno in diretta e sveleranno i loro segreti a chi si fermerà davanti la vetrina. Telecamera nervosa, mani esperte, ingredienti non convenzionali, musica.
Le sfilate Just Cavalli, gli eventi più “glamourous” del mondo Cavalli, le celebrities più affascinanti dello show-biz internazionale che hanno scelto Roberto Cavalli, racconteranno, insieme ad abiti accessori, bottiglie di vodka in edizione limitata l’esplosione incontenibile di creatività che disegna e scandisce le Fashion Hours del Just Cavalli Cafè.
Il resto…quello che non si può raccontare, sarà un regalo a telecamere spente, per chi ci sarà
In the heart of Milan, in the heart of those famous luxury-shopping streets that intersect between Corso Matteotti and Via Manzoni, in the heart of Via Spiga, perhaps the most wonderful of all of them, Roberto Cavalli chose to inaugurate in 2004 the revolutionary Just Cavalli boutique.
This space, thought up to look like the interior of a futuristic aeroplane, is illuminated by strong colours and extended to eye with the use of mirrors and reflective surfaces. This stretching out towards the infinite finds its perfect partnership in the experimental fashion of the Just Cavalli collection.
Futuristic suspense for an aesthetic research that reveals today the style of tomorrow.
For a multi-sensorial experience where shopping blends with smiles, fashion with movement, colours and shapes with flavours and tastes, elegance with sensuality, Roberto Cavalli wanted to open the Just Cavalli Café- Via Spiga on the ground floor of the boutique.
Bar and restaurant are open all day, inviting shoppers to savour the biggest pleasure in modern life: "free time". Food and lifestyle come together to offer to the hyper-kinetic crowd in the centre of Milan a place for shopping, eating, drinking and fun..
Protected from the heat in June or the cold in November, hidden from the indiscrete eyes of passers-by, seated beside the huge tropical aquarium topped by its giant crystal-studded snake, eyes become dreamy, tired legs finally relax, thoughts evaporate and new desires float to the surface.
During men's fashion week, scheduled for 23 to 27 June 2007, the Just Cavalli Cafè in Via Spiga will inaugurate: "Fashion Hours".
3 different moments during the day: lunch, afternoon and aperitif; 3 exceptional opportunities to experience the creativity of the Cavalli world, through to the work of the chefs, barmen and deejays that Roberto Cavalli has selected to amaze his audience yet again.
For lunch, chef Leonardo Perazzoli, who trained with the best chefs in the world, has prepared 5 brand new grand gourmet menus, which will be served only during those 5 days (from 12.00 p.m to 15.00 p.m.) and they will never be repeated.
In the afternoon, the master pastry chef Enrico Parrassina will transfer the colourings of the Just Cavalli collection to awe-inspiring ice-cream cups, blending flavours and consistencies in surreal shapes and unexpected combinations: an absolutely new entry for the Just Cavalli Café.
From 6pm to 9pm "GLAM IS BACK"
The Just Cavalli Café becomes Milan's most exclusive private club with a sensually charged atmosphere. Thanks to the barmen's imagination there will be 5 never-proposed-before Roberto Cavalli Vodka cocktails. Every nights a different dj set live will blow with music the space and lungs.
Surprise guest performers, sudden lighting effects, breaking news and unexpected contacts will fulfill the time and desires of those who pass the "velvet rope" test and manage to enter.
Entrance is free of charge, but selection will be hard… so DRESS UP…YOU MIGHT GET IN!
A wonderful imposing installation will turn the central display window on Via Spiga into an entrance "boudoir" for the world underneath: 4 mega screens will show images, sounds and sensations from Fashion Hours to the external world. The menu will scroll down in all the international languages, together with the exclusive recipes and photos of the dishes, displayed like a techno-Chinese restaurant in Shanghai.
Reality cooking: our chefs will be cooking live and will reveal their secrets to those stopping to take a look at the window. Nervous broadcasting, expert hands, unconventional ingredients and music.
The Just Cavalli fashion shows, the most glamorous events in the Cavalli world, the biggest-appeal celebrities from international show-biz that have chosen Roberto Cavalli – will tell the tale of the uncontrollable explosion of creativity that characterises and marks Just Cavalli Café Fashion Hours, together with clothes, accessories and limited edition bottles of vodka.
The rest… the details we cannot possibly reveal, will be a gift for all those present, away from the inquisitive eye of the camera.

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