Revolution Vodka Bar : Milton Keynes profile picture

Revolution Vodka Bar : Milton Keynes

About Me

Opened in December 2002 and Revolution is still the place to be seen with our luxurious surroundings and the best drinks and service to be found in Milton Keynes.Relax and be pampered by the friendliest staff around while you try one of our cocktails from our extensive vodka range, or alternatively just a pint or glass of wine.Join the party downstairs or relax and chat upstairs in our chill out zone for those after a quieter evening.We are known for playing the best 'cutting edge house' music outside of london, dont ask us check out the press reviews, in M8 or Mixmag, but were not all about house. Throughout the week we offer a different music policy each and every night hosted by a fantastic selection of DJ's and bands.Opening TimesMonday - 11.30am - 2amTuesday - 11.30am - 2amWednesday - 11.30am - 2amThursday - 11.30am - 2amFriday - 11.30am - 2am (Beatcheck nights 3am)Saturday - 11.30am - 3amSunday - 12pm - 1.30amA MONTH IN BRIEF - BELOWA WEEK IN BRIEF - BELOWMondayMONDAY MADNESS Our Monday night offering goes from strength to strength! From laid back indie beats to beat driven house Monday has everything you can want from a night. Put alongside this the best offers in town and your in for a great night!TuesdayTUESDAY TWOSDAY Come and enjoy our offer of 2-4-1 on all 56 cocktails from our menu, ideal for finding your perfect drink or relaxing with your mates. Come try our New MAD Cocktails from our new menu, we have a cocktail for everyone. All washed down with a fine mix of funky vocal house. Open until 2am.WednesdayTHE FINEST BLEND OF SOUL, FUNK AND HOUSE ANTHEMS ALL EFFORTLESSLY MIXED TO PERFECTION!VODFEST OFFERS INCLUDE:SINGLE FLAVOURED VODKA & MIXER £1.50DOUBLE FLAVOURED VODKA & MIXER £2.00VK £2, STELLA £2.Thursday2 Floors of contrast is the way for tonight! Club Room - VANITY Expect a night where anything and everything goes tonight! From funky fresh House to Punk or RnB to Indie Bar - DIRTY DISCO A right old mix of of house,RnB, commercial dance and old skool beats brings MK to life for the start of the weekend! SKINT DRINKS OFFERS (With Privilege Card):- - 2-4-1 Cocktails - £2 Bottles - £10 Pitchers.FridayMAIN BARAWARD WINNING DJ ZANDER WITH THE ULTIMATE COLLECTION OF DEEP HOUSE, ELECTRO AND IBIZA ANTHEMS. BRINGING FRIDAYS IN MK ALIVE ONCE AGAIN.CLUB ROOMBE ENTERTAINED BY A DIFFERENT PROMOTER EVERY WEEK, INCLUDINGKISS KISS BANG BANG INDIE NIGHTFEEL FUNKY - THE ULTIMATE FUNKY HOUSE SESSIONSBEATCHECK - THE RETURN OF THE ULTIMATE BREAKS NIGHT, FEATURING THE LIKES OF THE FREESTYLERS, BEARDYMAN, PLUMP DJ'SSaturday'I LOVE VODKA' SATURDAYSMAIN BARBE ENTERAINED WITH THE BEST COLLECTION OF FUNKY COMMERCIAL HOUSE AND SUMMER IBIZA ANTHEMSEXPERIENCE THE VODKA LUGE !!!CLUB ROOM'THE SPECIALIST SET'JOIN OUR RESIDENT DJ'S LEE CLARKE, TERRY BEDEAU FOR THE MOST UPFRONT HOUSE AROUNDGUEST DJ'S INCLUDINGGREG DORBAN - REELGROOVE RECORDSASHLEY ROBERTS - FAZED MUSICAND KEEP A LOOK OUT FOR OUR SPECIAL APPEARANCES FROM SUPERSTARS FROM ACROSS THE GLOBESundayFORGET THE WINTER BLUES!! COME ALONG TO OUR SUNDAY SESSIONS. CHILL OUT WITH DELICOUS COCKTAILS OR DEVOUR FINE WINE. WHATEVER YOUR CHOICE WE AIM TO PLEASE. WITH THE WIDEST SELECTION OF DRINKS IN MILTON KEYNES AND OVER 50 COCKTAILS AND 30 VODKAS THIS IS AN IDEAL OPPORTUNITY TO COME AND TRY SOMETHING NEW

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Anyone whos into : raving, stomping, electro, funky house, dirty house, phat beats, dancing, vodka vodka vodka, after parties, cheesy dj nights, dirt fests, sexy house music, meeting new people, going out on Thursdays, the occasional tea-bagging, Anne Widdecombe (cuz shes wicked, innit) and ofcorse we especially want to meet anyone who likes letting the chicken out of the pen; if ya know what i mean!!! If any of the above fit your description or you just fancy a rant...then leave your comments below...{:o)

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