Dreaming. Love it. I love dreaming even more when I am drunk as then it becomes believable for a few hours. I also am a keen weight lifter and I love going deep sea diving in Macroom. Nothing better than swimming in Macroom with dolphins. I also am a avid bird watcher with my favorite bird being the magpie. One day I thought I was interested in cars but that was just a phase. I also have a big interest in the life and times of Carol Volderman. I love the way she adds things up so quickly. I have a passionate interest in speaking in a french accent. Some day I will learn there language. I collect red buckets. Aren't they fun everybody? That is everything I am interested in.
The person who has my dogs leg as he keeps leaking blood on my carpet. Other than that no-one
Pixies, Smiths, System of a down, The Sultans, Zaqa and Cahoots, Wire, Depeche Mode, Cyclefly, Nirvana, Orage Fettishes, Turn, RTepublic of loose, Rest, Waiting room, Half man Half Biscuit, The Franks etc
Dogs Volume 32
Superman, Spiderman, Wonder woman etc