Kia ora and Greetings from New Zealand!
Hamilton Blues Society (HBS) is a small but strong, and growing membership of wonderful BLUES fans and performers living in and around upper central
New Zealand .
NZ has several good Blues clubs/societies, a few of which are listed in the HBS friendspace below. There are plans to build relationships and to network with the hope of making the NZ Blues circuit more attractive to local and international artists who are interested in coming to NZ!
HBS hosts a
Monthly Blues Jam /performance night at Biddy Mulligans on the second Thursday of each month. HBS plans to get many Blues events happening in the near future. Check the HBS website for details.
Can't wait for the monthly blues jam? Try tuning into The Blues Room radio show hosted by Nate on
Community Radio Hamilton . He plays Blues from around the globe and tries to make each show different and from time to time has special guest interviews with local and international performers.
Thanks for stopping by and be sure to join the HBS international list of friends here on myspace.
Big Ups to Thomas who helped me edit my profile.