So lets see im just a normal girl who loves the obvious things My family, My friends, and My dog!!! My family is full of hot headed assholes and bitches but we get by lol. I love them and wouldn't change them for the world. I cherish my friends a little to much, i'd do anything for anyone of them regardless of what I get in return. Some people take advantage of that but that doesn't stop me from trying!! You may think i'm a bitch or rude but that just means you don't really know me!! My dog is my life!!! I adore her and would die without her. A little to over protective is an understatement. My life right now is good, Work is work and at the end of the day i'm content with where i'm at. Playing softball with my best friends has been so much fun, i've met some great people through softball and am so happy I have them in my life!! Expecting to much from people has been a life long challenge lol I can't make you want to be my friend or to stick around, wrapping my brain around that has been a battle. I think/know finding true friends is hard but you can't try to make everyone something their not. Nothing in life is permanent except change!!!
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