Zombies, Sad Songs, Gatorade, Black Metal, Guns, Tattoos, Vinyl, Pinups, Sea Creatures, Autumn, brunch, Amputees, Sarcasm, Anything Spooky, Coney Island, Intellectual Conversation, Quiet nights with good company, Dinosaurs, Pizza, Falafel, ,Orange Drink, Veggie/Vegan Food, Record Shopping, Making scenes in public...
Essesentially anything from Angel Hair to Zozobra that clangs, yells, weeps, shouts, blasts, or strums.
Zombie Movies. Icci The Killer, Battle Royale 1 & 2, & Versus. Donnie Darko, Return Of The Living Dead, Event-FUCKING-Horizon, The Omen, Undead, Re-Animator, Monster Squad, American Psycho, Texas Chainsaw II (all bow to the Mosely)
X-files, Millenium, Buffy, FIREFLY!, Undeclared, Freeks & Geeks, Salute Your Shorts, Pete & Pete, METALOCALYPSE! Aquateen Hunger Force, Family Guy, Miami Ink, Drake & Josh (am i kidding?), Match Game, or anything absurd.
All Henry Rollins. "house of leaves", "moby dick", "the magic mountain", "A Farewell To Arms", "Survivor". "Preacher" , "Hellblazer", "The Walking Dead", "Watchmen".