The guy for me calls me beautiful instead of hot. I need a guy I can trust. If you're a natural flirt, chances are I wont like you. I want a guy who can put a smile on my face when I'm down. Is there whenever I need him. He will call me back when I hang up on him, who will stay awake just to watch me sleep. I'm waiting for the guy who kisses my forehead, who wants to show me off to the world when I am in my sweats, who holds my hand in front of his friends. I'm waiting for the one who is constantly reminding me of how much he cares about me and how lucky he is to have me. I'm waiting for the one who turns to his friends and says, "That's him."
This is my secret lover Zach. We have been together for quite some time now and I love him a lot. :). lulz jk. He'd kick my ass if I left it at that. Zach is like the best straight friend a gay guy could ask for. hahaha. Other than when he gets grossed out when I talk about penis and assholes. Jerky right? haha. Zach is funneh when he is drunk because he talks funny. And I DO NOT sound like him on the phone! I am more manly than him kthnx. I could never stay mad at this kid and he knows it. So he'll treat me like poop. Jerkasaurus Rex. We have known each other for a long time now, and we need to meet soon. He's the best text buddy i have. If he was gay he'd be mine. That's all. ilylotsbai.
Twitch is up in this bitch. I love this girl :D! She knows how to tell you how it is and is a great listener. Not only that but she's got the most swagga anyone can possibly have lulz. We have our late night stickam movie sessions, porn sessions, dance sessions, we got that tecktonic, shuffle, stanky leg, jerkin action goin on. One thing we don't have in common is tentacle anime porn. Oh and skinny azn boys, she's obsessed with them, me...not so much lulz. We are gonna both move to Japan one day though! The U.S. just can't handle us. Ily Twitch! Lets sex know kthnx.
Layout made by Mike Antonio
Check out his band.