I'm Ariela from Rosario and my biggest interest in life is Music,techno above all, My favourite artists are Adam Beyer, Ritchie Hawtin, Ricardo Villalobos, Danilo Vigorito, Chris liebing, MAgda...and more, and more...
Know as DJ Isis, I've played at local bars and discos such as EL beso and Roswell long time ago, back in 2002/3. Then I've played at parties and one of them is the one in the profile picture @ madame, a local disco as well.
I've enrolled in music since I'm 5 years old, starting playing the piano and then learning at a local music school to read and play classic music. Then I met a good friend, Carlos Pereyra with whom I had the most enjoyable times playing records and listening to good techno beats. He is the icon of experience to me, nowadays he is a very important local DJ at my hometown.
Going through different styles, I found myself in heaven when playing minimal techno sounds, and there I remained up to now...I'm also an English teacher and I work for a third party billing company(outsourcing)...
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