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I am here for Friends

About Me

..Hmm im pretty simple,
okay first off if i dont talk to you its because i dont want to and if you dont have a number to reach me its because i dont want anything to do with you..and if you dont know me personally then you shouldnt be reading this :)..ANYWAYS.. My eyes itch when im tired
i love to dance!
Love to swim and even more i love to sleep.
I like to party but not so much anymore,i rarely ever drink anymore.
i love my family theyre everything to me ESP. my ma and kid sister!
i have alot of aquantances but not too many friends,simply because i do not trust people what so ever.
but the people that i do trust..I Love them and they amaze everyday!!! :)
People Have told me my cousin should be my twin, personally i dont htink so.
my birthday is is august.
i really cannot stand liars or cheaters.
ive never cheated on anyone but somehow i always manage to get fucked over.
i help out with the relay for life every summer && i love it, its the one thing i feel like im doing right in my life!!
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i set my own goals and stride to acchieve them,
i hate having people telling me what to do and when to do it.
i get irritated very easily.
when im upset DO NOT touch me.
when im pissed i will snap at an innocent person for no reason but i always will appologize, you jsut have to deal with it.
i hate to argue with people but ill do it if im right, if im not right ill admit it even though it barely ever happens :)
if i say "i love you" i mean it, i dont just throw the words around, they're very strong and hurtful words.
i Dispise the word "cunt" i think its dirty.
ive been through alot in the past two years.
i love to make people laugh.
i do stupid things sometime and make a complete ass outta myself and really dont care, (lol)
i love to do my make up {you never know who youll run into}
im on the radio and the internet..
..i do voice overs and commericals for a website and a company and its great.
yeah im pretty important.ha!
i love kids, but sometimes i hate them!
i do not like birds!!
i love the snow but hate the cold.
.. AIM = Sjex3x11xx..
See I'm Pretty Simple huh?;)
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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Channing Tatum :)
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