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By Pedro Márquez, music by Foam ( 12 fps, 603 frames in total (I seem to remember). Oscuro dark, is basically an exercise in which I decided to work with a specific tecnic of animation inside the field of rotoscopy:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: It..s a project, a small fragment to which I have given it a format of short film, with no argument, but estetically acceptable. The compression of the video for web doesn..t allow the images in marked visible vectors. But... There it is!!:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ____________________________________________________

Dream, Forest

By Pedro Márquez; with Alba Rguez, Ana Solana, Juan Moreno:::::::::: Music by Foam. Producciones32..06::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::


By Pedro Márquez; Acoustic composition made with films scenes. sort out the montage and sequential order by myself, a non-defined work... You can see the material used in the video; made full use of the rhythms and no proofs were made while the work was in process::::::::::Just a DEMO:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::SorryForTheAUDIOinMONO.TheOriginalVIDEOisInSTEREO,isBet ter! ...But is not allowed in the webvideo///Enjoy it!::::::::::::::::::::::::::: GraciasThanks2:Panete(LeLlamabanTrini)&JuanLu!(Mulhollan d):::::::::: ___________________________________________________

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