THE BIG... |
I guess it's not the smartest thing to announce one's advancing age in a public forum but what the hell. Next week I turn the BIG 50. I've already written about laying in bed in fear, reflecting on ho... Posted by on Thu, 05 Mar 2009 05:38:00 GMT |
We are faced with some very interesting choices. The domestic automobile industry as we know it is in danger of becoming extinct. Right now the heads of GM, Ford and Chrysler are in Washingt... Posted by on Wed, 19 Nov 2008 11:53:00 GMT |
I just wanted to thank everyone who came out to the Riverview last Friday. Whenever we book a new club I'm always a bit aprehensive about how well we'll draw. When we arrived there were a few peo... Posted by on Wed, 19 Nov 2008 00:51:00 GMT |
I've been riding my motorcycle since May. The learnig curve has been pretty steep and after a bit of a rough start I've become pretty competent and comfortable with all aspects of riding. I know I am ... Posted by on Mon, 20 Oct 2008 12:37:00 GMT |
Well another summer is officialy in the books and it's been great. We've had some really cool shows, most of them outdoors on or near the water. There is nothing like summer on Long Island. I'd like t... Posted by on Wed, 03 Sep 2008 13:37:00 GMT |
Stormy weather |
On July 27th the band played at the Casino Bar at Davis Park. Wind, rain, thunder, lightning and hail were the order of the day. The ferry ride over was quite interesting too. So we set up inside. It ... Posted by on Tue, 05 Aug 2008 19:55:00 GMT |
Here we go! |
Well I passed my motorcycle road test, bought a bike, dropped it (slow speed, thank goodness) and am learning the do's and don'ts of riding. I went to the Skip Barber Racing School a fews years ago an... Posted by on Wed, 21 May 2008 18:25:00 GMT |
It's late, I should be sleeping but instead I'm at this damn keyboard. One of my cats is sitting on the floor behind me totaly engrossed in her pre-betime bath. I think the other two are chasing a hap... Posted by on Tue, 22 Apr 2008 00:07:00 GMT |
"Life is what happens while you're making other plans"....John Lennon.
I've used this quote before, but it's so insightfull it deserves repeating. John was a smart guy.
Just some stuff in my head as t... Posted by on Sun, 30 Dec 2007 14:46:00 GMT |
In Memory |
Thanksgiving, 1998 was the last time I saw my dad and had a conversation with him. That following Tuesday my mom called to urgently ask me come over. My father was sick. When I got to my folks th... Posted by on Mon, 17 Dec 2007 22:36:00 GMT |