Go by da name Reevesy. lool ima simple person. Cnt stand pricks etc. i normally say wot i think bout anyting lool i love gettin fukd outa ma face with the lads or the gashdems or both. I love getting messy with da beers (Stella) lool All bout the holiday we got booked up jus gonna b messy 24-7 MAGALUF 09!! haha. Cnt wait!! love the lads they are fucking ledgends and always gonna stick with them. Looking forward 2 wot 09 brings already got alot going on and alot planned jus waitin 4 it all 2 kick off.
Dnt ask y i got a music myspace fuk nose jus click on da wrong ting, i dnt mc or sing or any of dat shit!
My Interests
Member Since: 6/11/2007
Band Website:
Band Members: Get your own free countdown at MyspaceGeek.us
Influences: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1PPD9eaRKCU
Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: Unsigned