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Passion, Rescue Solder Ryan, Charles Chaplin,Legendary
Smallville, The OC, Jericho, Heroes, Pricion Break,Doctor House National Biograpy,
"The BIble",Biography David Brainerd,New Paper,and other books,Politic,literature,and more ...... Is my favorite books : BIBLE JONATHAN EDUARDS EDMOUND BOUNDS TOMMY TENNEY CHARLES FINNEY GUILLERMO CAREY KEITH GREEN VICTOR RICHARDS A .W. TOZER CARLOS MONSIVAIS, JOSE SARAMAGO, GARCIA MARQUEZ, William Faulkner, Ernest Hemingway, Franz Kafka, James Joyce, José Emilio Pacheco, Juan Rulfo, Roberto Bolaño,
"Jesus Christ King of King" "My Mother and Family" "Daniel Zarate G"sssss "David Brainerd,Jonathan Eduards" "Las tres enfermedades del hombre actual son la incomunicación, la revolución tecnológica y su vida centrada en su triunfo personal. "