Harris profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

i like: 5-minute commutes; photographs; common tone modulations; weekly pizza cravings; people that don't pluralize words with apostrophes; places and things that are devoid of advertisements; HDTV; well-constructed meals; college football and basketball.

My Interests

Golf, tennis, spelling raquetball, neighborhood jogging, NPR, gin and tonics, noodling around on instruments, silence, being overhwhelmed, planned weekends, crossword puzzles

I'd like to meet:

-A source for heart rate quickening, pupil dilation, and increased nerve-ending sensitivity.


If I get to know you I'll show you something you may like.


Naros around the cor-nuh.


Planet Earth; current HBO serials; Sundays from 3 to 6; overnight infomercials


Part of my job


Admiral Greene, billipock.com, TW (I couldn't help it)