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About Me

Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor - Image Hosting

I like long walks on the beach, candlelit dinners, rescuing lost dogs, taking them back to their owners and receiving a generous reward. Alright then... kidnapping dogs.

My Interests


General Genres: Dub, Breaks, HipHop, Funk, Blues, Drum and Bass, Classical (only the dark and intense no Wagner thanks) Soul, Electronica, Rock, Cuban, chuck some Roots in if you like, Alternative, Early Punk (no fucking Emo you talentless fucks, you broke my fucking heart Jared Leto, why did you have to put all of that eyeliner on your pretty little head and play such shite awful muzak) sorry emo makes me rant.More specifically:- Queens of the Stone Age, Eagles of Death Metal, Fabienne Delsol, Holly Golightly, anything with slide guitar, Tito and Tarantula, Stevie Wonder, The rotting corpse of Ray Charles, covers in general, Adam Freeland (and his band Freeland) The Black Keys, !!! Beatles, Stones, P.J Harvey, Marley, Fiona Apple, Crowded and Split Enz just for nostalgia’s sake, Anything George Clinton related, White Stripes, David Bowie makes me feel funny in the pants, James Brown, Ween, Sharon Jones ( and the Dap Kings are really nice Dudes), Plantlife, Beck, A musical comedy fetish is my secret shame, Sly and the family Stone, bands that have more that six pieces, The Herd, Ugly Duckling, I’ve no room to mention all of the dead idols we subscribed to in our youth (Cobain, Buckley, and all the other musical cadavers) I have edited this list down from 30,000 words. Damn you brevity… how I loath you and your stifling concisitude.


Dancer in the dark, Fear and Loathing, Requiem for a Dream, Adaptation, Donnie Darko, Being John Malkovic, Dodgeball, Pirates, Labyrinth, Dark crystal, Bladerunner, Blow, Fight Club The Machinist, Eternal Sunshine, A Scanner Darkly, Secretary, Garden State, Magnolia, Napolean Dynamite…GOSH. Amelie, I Heart Huckabees, The life Aquatic for the soundtrack alone…Bowie in Portuguese…who could ask for anything more.Happiness, Kungfu Hustle, Hero, What I have Written (for a bit of plot driven soft porn) Gattica for the stunning cinematography, Anything noir or neo-Baroque (I am both vague and specific here, I know)


Huff, Family Guy, Simpsons, Scrubs, Extras (literally pains me with continuous jabs of hilarity… much splitting of sides, I ad to stop watching for health reasons) Six Feet Under, Antiques Roadshow (say it loud “I’m a nerd and I’m proud”) Whose Line is it Anyway (British or Yanks, I don’t mind) That creepy live anatomy show, Futurama, The Justice League, and a whole host of others.


Recent titles: "The Idiots Guide to Theft," "Criminal Law for Dummies," "Shanks Very Much: A Pratical Guide to Surviving the Big House" and "Jailbreak the Feminine Way." All excellent reads...


Any who can pen in proper prose. People unafraid to sing on the street when they are not guarded by friends. Those brave enough to speak the truth though they know it may affect their position, popularity or influence... Those courageous enough to relinquish full control to another and those in conrol who take full responsibility for their actions. Anyone who can jump with gay abandon into water they know will be icy cold. Anyone who can empathize enough to cry whilst experiencing a Film/Novel/Play/piece of Grafitti/message in a bottle. Anyone patient enough to listen to me ranting… double points to those who can retort eloquently.