SEZZieee-Pants xoxo profile picture

SEZZieee-Pants xoxo

I am here for Friends

About Me

HeLLoOoOo There! Well were do i start? My name is Sarah and i am 20 years old, all my mates call me sez,sezzie,beary and a few others but personal joke nick names! I have to say i have the most beautiful best friends in the whole wide world, theyre absolutly my life these girlies are bec,holly,lozzi,jodes,emmy,lou,brookie and sio! i hAVe ThE BeStEsT bOyFrIeNd LoVe YoU fOrEvEr ThOMMMMaS..... All My GiRLiES,We all live for the weekends and love to get loose and run a muck! We are always doing crazii things and making memories to last us a life time! LUuRvE going to the beach, shopping, always clubbing, MUSIC FESTIVALS, If i could change one thing in my life i couldnt as i have the best life- and wouldnt change a thing. My beautiful Neice Brianna, oh she is a jem, i also have the best family ever. I work in childcare ahhh nah i do love it! And thats about it well there's alot more but you'll find out!
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My Interests

WhEre Do I StART.... I LOVE my GirLs, ClUbBing, ThE cOAst,SHoPpINg FoR cLoThEs AnD sHoEs, rOAD tRiPS,TOMATO SAUCE, ShOpPing, ShOEs, ShOeS, big SUNGLASSES, taTtOo'S, pepper,sausages,vegemite,ice cream,taco's,myspace haha, tV, mY pHonE, mY bEd, cOcKtaILs, ThE haIr DrESSes hAHa,The gym, TV, mUSiC, mUsiC fEStIvALS(fav place in the world), dANcINg, SPoRT, DJ'S, ..... oH and my fav possesions are my hair straightener, my mobile phone, my photo's ,cant go out without my car, blush, mascara, eye liner ah OH AND NEARLY FORGOT hair spray and bobbyy pins are the best invention everrrrrr PARKLIFE.FUTURE MUSIC. SFD. OCEANS. - - - i
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M.U.S.I.C M.U.S.I.C M.U.S.I.C M.U.S.I.C M.U.S.I.C HoUsE..... N E ToO sHaKe mA AsS tOOoOoOoOo N bUSt A mOoOoVe! aNd I lOvE OlD sKoOL mUSiC LiKE jimmy BaRnEs and MiChaEL jACKsON hE is tHE mOSt TaLenTeD mUSIcISian- SonG wRiTtER ANd DanCer.... I LOvE oAsiS, pOt BeLLiEs, PrInCeSS sUpErStAr, SnEaKy, LiLLY ALLen, stAfFoRd BrOtHeRs,OaSiS,Artic Monkeys, Groove Amarda, THE KOOKS,cold play,magic numbers,prodigy,bRiTney,I LOVE ENGLAND BANDS...... THE WHOLE OF MINISTRY SOUND .... I LOVE DJ'S so GREAT!!!! ITS ALL ABOUT THE HOUSE MUSIC AND ALWAYS HAS BEEN......


Dont have a number 1 but i love funny/love movies not scarey cuz im the biggest pussy ever and get too scared....oh city of angels is a beautiful movie- NEPOLIAN DYNAMITE- JUST EAT THE FOOD TINA.... baha


I LOVE TV..... -SUMMER HIGH HEIGHTS, BiG BrOtHeR is ReLiGiOUs! KatH anD kIM, fAMiLy GuY, SiMPsoNS, bRotHeRs & sIsTerS, hOmE & AwAy, NCIS, sex and the city, SVU, my wife and kids, The OC, americas next top model NeIghBouRs,starter wife,Friends,how to look good naked,operah,video hits lol oNe tReE hiLL, ALL OF CHANEL TEN...even the news haha! Gosh im getting excited i LOVE TV oH aNd dOnT FoRgET CAbEL.... E!!!! is AWESOME....
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A hero is someone who can tell you an experience and you can be change and learn from thier life travels.....My FAmiLy ANd FrIENds R aWeSomE tHEY r WhAT hAVE mAdE mE wHo I aM tOday.... ThankS xOXo I LoVe pEoPlE wHo HaVe dOnE AMaZiNg AcCoMpLiShMeNtS IN tHeIr LivEs, sO I GUeSs EvEn EvErY dAy pEoPLE....
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