DJ Downward profile picture

DJ Downward

About Me

I am pretty new at this whole self promotion thing, so if I say something wrong or boring excuse me. I started going to events when I was around 16. I loved the vibe and the music but I wanted to be more then an audience member, more then a party goer. I wanted to help create the event, help bring a huge smile to peoples faces and an insatiable desire to dance their asses off. All my friends were content listening to DJ's spin but I wanted to know how they did it. I pursued my dreams and here I am 6 years after trying to spin my first record. I took a pretty long break from spinning but I am back now with a renewed spark.
!!!NEWEST SET!!!: Eclecticism Released on 4/27/08
Or Listen Now

My Interests


Member Since: 10/06/2007
Band Members:
Influences: Pretty much all forms of music. Luna-c, John B, Nice Guys, Pendulum, more then I can think about right now
Record Label: Unsigned

My Blog


So I made this mix for a hardcore mix contest, got such good reviews from my friends I decided to get art made for the cover, and put it out for people to listen to!Enjoy! Tell me what you think...
Posted by on Thu, 23 Apr 2009 16:29:00 GMT