I love books (nerd) and art ( double nerd). I am just starting to learn my way around the city, so I guess getting lost and finding my way back home has become a favorite interest and activity for me lately.
I would love to meet the dalai lama. He says that he believes the world is actually on an upswing...I would love to ask him so many things, I bet it would be so uplifting to talk to someone that is so connected to a higher thing but still thinks there's hope for mankind...A holy man without a chip on his shoulder is hard to find. And probably Joan of Arc, Jimmy Hendrix, Napoleon, Martin Luther (both of them), Jesus ( the carpenter not the myth)Maya Angelou, Andy Warhol cause he made so many things okay for artists to do. Van Gogh of course, he just seems like he needed a big hug. I would not want to meet Picasso though, I heard he was a dick.
Anything but hardcore country. I have a soft spot for Billie Holiday, Nina Simone, and anything bluesy.