I'd like to meet:
myself in the Future. fallen Rockstars on cocaine/tequilla/smut binges. You.
an Unfair Nautical-Disaster Grounded the Rudderless Horses during A-Day-At-The-Races. Dig-For-Fire Loser, Just Dig-Your-Own-Hole. Common-People Don't-Talk-Like a Million-Young Trailer-Trash, The-Sad-Witch said. The-Answer is to Apply-Some-Pressure like a Bootylicious Cannonball, then Sleep-The-Clock-Around. "Go-Let-It-Out, Decepticon" said El-Scorcho The-Joker. We-Looked-Like-Giants by the Yellow Waiting-Room Metal-Detektor. Work-It Lazarus!, Lose-Yourself to Temptation 100-Percent.
- life moves pretty fast. if you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it - Do, or Do Not. there is no "Try" - innocent of What? - i'm sorry champ, i think i ate your chocolate squirrel. - you couldn't handle that shit on strong acid, man... - strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government - don't try to tell me that The Realm of Chaos is no place for a woman - the things you Own end up Owning you - you know what they call that? they call it a Decade... - "frahgeelay"... it must be italian - good? bad? i'm the one with the gun - you will not like me, but the more you hate me, the more you will Learn. -