i've just mentioned it a while ago. im into eating pizza, writing, reading (yeah, well i guess im still of the higher intelligence kind.. hope so), sleeping, singing in the shower, dancing in my room, listening to music, hanging out with my friends, laughing about petty lil things, talking about funny lil things, talking about er... bigger things... they call it contemplating... pondering about this and that (well if you live in a country who never seems to get tired of politics and showbiz, you cant help but wonder what kind of crap life is) but i love my country and i love my people. hmm..
those who are intelligent but not nerdy, who can appreciate shallow talks and possess good sense of humor, not overly sweet (sweet is ok but romantic is... er... *faints*), kind people, certainly not flirtatious. presentable and cool.
ALTERNATIVE, ROCK, PUNK ROCK, REGGAE and the stuff. as long as it's not pop and it's not rap. hey to all pop and rap lovers, i didnt mean to offend you but it's just what i like. you go liking what you like and i do my own thing. peace to you all. but hey I HATE BRITNEY SPEARS and to all britney spears fans, just wanna let u know she SUCKS!
Moulin Rogue, Resident Evil, A.I, Lion King (yeah the first one, the second one kinda sucked), Finding Nemo, Shrek, Scary Movie, School of Rock.. well tell you what. anything that's bloody, slasher and gory, that's excellent for me. anything that's full of action and suspense, hell, i love em. anything that's funny, they're great with me. any Disney film, well, it satisfies the lil kid in me. but anything romantic, cheesy, sappy, full of i-cant-live-without-you-stay-with-me-or-i'll-die line... well, id just sleep on it.
ALIAS! CSI! SMALLVILLE! CHARMED! Ed, Edd and Eddie (see Cartoon Network) haha...MTV yeah of course... discovery channel... hahahaha. dont sue me if you think im a freak. i dont have money.
Hundred Years of Solitude, House of Spirits, Lalaki sa Dilim, Jane Eyre, Dean Koontz stuff, ABNKKBSNPLAKo?!, bob ong's stuff, Things Fall Apart byt Chinua Achebe, Waiting by Ha Jin, hmm.. what else, anything intereseting and intriguing and makes you think about life.
Superman, my grandfather, my dog and myself. WAHAHAHAHA. now you realize im a conceited smartass. still wana be friends? lolz. nah, im a harmless person. really.