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Profile GeneratorDistraught's log:
Memoirs from the ancient cave;
I smash your face with grape stems as barrels of whine pour from an
unconscience mouth littered with envelopes and jackle jokes spring
forth and filth an anemic head toggled with veins and uncompromised
behemoth froth. An ancient harpsocord spins in unity with green varnish
ed harmonicas dangled in the beard of oppression set to the frequency
of momentary pickle jars filled with holidays sewn together with twine
and peuter wires. I encountered a stair case lodged in the side of a
mountain engulfed in onyx and marble. The mighty elders directed me to
bring a piece of string to the elder
ninja, "One who drinks shampoo from a flask of bone inlayed with jewel
s and raisins". He and I sat in the dark and fog and drank cheap
country western zinfandel from the shell of a war beetle as he
enlightened me with tales of extreme perilous bouts with furious jay
walkers and he balanced the scales with storms of needles on a stove
of three eyes that cannot see perplexed with vitamins enriched sea
dwellers. He then fabricated a leash which he placed around the neck
of a wasp and guided its stinger as it layed its larvae in the sweat
glands under my finger nails. I had obtained the skills of the casm
wasp yet still felt the need to force pedestrians in jump suits of
vinyl from the sidewalks as I frantically tour the country's sweat
socks. I can still remember his words, "If it is your dream to play
the shouting sloth monkey's rib cage with a wooden spatula like an
xylaphone, then do so". A euphoric sound reverberated the ninja cave
as he set the timer for zero and pointed to the moon.Calculating infinity with the amethist geodes, with a stack of dusty
records and butt crust lymphnodes, mastodons and baluga whales
scoring a high five with lazy flippers, and other talkin' andibles
with corn fed slippery zippers, need mulch? FREE KITTENS! Dropped my
lunch in my steel wool mittens, chilled chittlens and reverberated
crisp sunshine, masterbated with haggus and unwanted moonbeams,
ohmeegosh I'm really talkin', took my neighbors to walk on Christopher
talkin', how many days are in a second, hmm let's see 5 and 5 is
juice, 2 and 2 is doo-doo, cartoon acid jazz swamp death boogie, went
to the corner store on a coldasack and got a freebie, tooted on my
conque shell, spread my seed for all the sperm whales, hello motto,
puff puuf pass, this shit's funnier than Vodville, I got trinkets
hanging in the shambles of andible mandibles Tattooed grasshopper
voodoo dolls shining headlight eyeballs on urban bogged down SUV's
in hopes that drumset funk lords will save the death defying turtle
neck sweaters of Zimbabwe from hippo zippo cripples living in the
trees under the bush people. Mushroom sex ripple toenail clipper
andibles chew on metal hangnails used to hang my balls from the
chins of a thousand ancient dying monks. Space goats eating doodles
flossing embroidery through the roof with their sliightly punching
santa pez dispensor shaped fu man chu hightened super nova blinding so
nic tronic boxing flight enduring radiator comic book of death rotate
the jungle, shaded with succubuses and valqueries alike, just enough
room for the shouting sloth monkeys, chivalric escapades elude the
eurphoric parliamentary therefore k nwon as fortold fortitudes
festering and guesturing formulas and time-lined blurr fest tarantula
and humming birds aspire to blue grass defines a spatula, Which, might
we say, or Should we say is ahhahha I'm taking my waifers away to a
fjord to fertilize a marble garden to light the way for the weeble
peoples treasure 13 eisenhower blue zip shades sweat lodge function
journeys and field trips scratiching the attic dropped the quivering
effervecanthyperallergicating Thylacenes, Once benonst as chupacabra so
uth-east shore linened marsupial also a cousin to the orangutange teeth
and the free-lance Yard Beetle working for the first inside of the
middle of the tap shoe and engorging in unyielding amounts of sacks of
table grapes raddishes and monopoly hats. Hey what can we say?
Gotta feed these aidbulls some frizbeez and trampoline sweepstakes to
keep talkers in Swedenarctitecturesqueiousityousformoreformostes than
canned bulles manibleisticating the furniture keep that fucking barking
ass piece of shit tortured in a kennel of marble and wrought ironed
shittin' in the laudry basket of
chrysanthemumthenceforthedsymphonisizedhybrid-like microbiological
lizards, eyelashed dastardly bulldozerbullhorns sitanspin throws me
down an ally of smorgasborgedpickledtoothdisentanglmentated and cordial
textiled floor dwelling spotted moths and ostridge - like gazell.
Yes. Yes professor Viceroy, you are correct in your findings. Especially the part of the Ostrige hindquarters containing my
grandmothers ancient recipie of zucchini-flavored rusted spoons scooping out the theory of the life-span of the soap
bubble. Did your travels not also bring you to the conclusion that no matter how much there feathers glisten of incandescents
, they freak out the left wing voters in the republic of the Idahoian-influenced Chinese rebels? Yes, they are also distant
cousins to the alienated and somewhat marsupial-like yard beetle, but they far more favor the reflection of a lime diseased
ticks dorsal fin as I pop a squat on a mirror searching for more of the ever elusive dingle dwellers. I find more every day
that even though all my monkeys in the jungle get trapped in the jar of peanut butter, they sure taste good on toast with
jelly. I didn't want to consume the souls of the monkeys, but I had been alone, lost in the wilderness for literally five
minutes, and the mother ship was descending apon me and controlling my nipple butter. I had to do it... .and I lika that
shit. I consumed the flesh from the live monkeys and made quite a messy mess as I ripped it away from it's pathetic frame
and they screamed at the sight of there side cage dripping from my teeth. And the more they screamed the more I ate,
filling my gut for my journey was far from over. I then repelled down the side of a cliff and descended into a cavern that
had the stench of giraff semen. I knew I was close. I continued down the corridor and before me layed a labrynth with no
end. I opened my backpack and removed my trusty steel wool mittens from their vaginal zipper case and tossed it immediatly
into the firey casm and thenceforth arose an ewok tree house with steps leading to the shouting sloth monkeys, chivalric
escapades elude the eurphoric parliamentary death defying turtle neck sweaters of Zimbabwe, and even worse, I have been
romping through the wilderness for days, and forgot my pipe. So, I commence with shaving away the marrow from the skull of
a spotted -zipper mole that I caught earlier in an area the natives called, "Nutmustard" and packed it's empty face with
jasmine root and use it's eye sockets as a carb. I take in the savory aroma of marsupial, bone, and black swan figurines,
and force fed the ashes through a filtration system diluted with my pee that I rubbed into a Syphlitack wound on my forehead
caused by an unknown force. I must stop my writtings now, for it is getting dark and the cyber monkeys are closing in on
me, and I must at once wallow in feces so they think I am insane.
Strapping Young Lad - "Shitstorm"
Strapping Young Lad - "Love"