Electric Swamp profile picture

Electric Swamp

About Me

Electric Swamp
Blues-based swamp rockers Dirty John and the Electric Swamp bring out the beauty of the bayou in their feisty and muscular songs that always pack a punch, be it acoustically performed or plugged in and charged up. “The Swamp can be varied in size from 2 members unplugged to 6 members. “Dirty John” Lepp, el Commandante Supremo, has recorded and played with Public Enemy and Pete Cosey, the iconic guitarist for Miles Davis. Cosey has compared Lepp with the likes of Billy Boy Arnold, blues harpist for Bo Diddley.
If You Feel It
There's no special trick to writing great music, says Dirty John. If you simply hit that emotional chord with the audience, you're in. “If you feel it, it's musical.” Give it a groove, lay down a melody and put some passion into the performance, and you're set to go. There's no shortage of emotional potency in this hooks of this stellar band. Dirty John and the Electric Swamp has already proven itself a top shelf dose of rock-n-roll medicine.
The Artist at Work
The band received sponsorship from Southern Comfort for its Hi Ho Lounge performance in New Orleans. Lepp has had the opportunity to record with Public Enemy and will be published in No. 38 of Blues Matters. A number of performances are planned for the near future to further spread the word about these irresistible groovemakers. Electric Swamp has announced the release of a new CD in the near future.
“Electric Swamp is a fully charged battery of punchy rock-n-roll.” - A&R Select

My Interests


Member Since: 10/06/2007
Band Members: Well there’s me and there’s some other people. You can buy our CD (people still buy those, right?) here - http://musicianmp3.com/artist/ElectricSwamp/ .
Sounds Like: What you'd listen to at 3am right before your lover's significant other catches you two cheating.
Record Label: House of da Risin Sun recordings
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Sarah & Todd Palin owe New Yorkers an apology

You have a problem w/ David Letterman, take it up w/ David Letterman.You have a problem w/ NY and Hollywood types (I guess that would be the folk from NY and Hollywood,) take it up w/ the folks from N...
Posted by on Fri, 12 Jun 2009 15:56:00 GMT

Palin and lipstick

"...what's the difference between a hockey  mom and pitbull? Lipstick."  Not sure how to interpret that quote, but... I take offense to Palin calling hockey moms bitches.  Either that o...
Posted by on Wed, 10 Sep 2008 08:44:00 GMT

Dick & Madam Deborah

OK the thought of Dick Cheney having sex is enough to send to shivvers down most people's spines, but, for the sake of justice, we must ponder such matters. We know Dick didn't have a problem shootin...
Posted by on Mon, 05 May 2008 12:44:00 GMT

How to market my fine band

Ideas anyone? Anybody know any radio stations? fanzines? magazines? Approximately 150 french people have our album.  Would love to share it with the rest of the world, and especially within my fi...
Posted by on Wed, 02 Jan 2008 09:15:00 GMT

My Brilliant Idea!!!!

I have a legislative proposal that will either get out us out of Iraq, or have us go broke (which we're doing anyway), and it's strangely non-partisan. Here's the proposal: Every additional monetary ...
Posted by on Sat, 29 Sep 2007 13:41:00 GMT