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About Me

found this fantasy layout at HOT FreeLayouts.com :: MyHotComments
http://www.myheritage.comKnow more about my state! Oaxaca land of the SUN...*.. width="425" height="350"I promise to my self.To be so strong that nothingcan disturb my peace of mind. To talk health, happiness and prosperity to every person I meet. To make all my friends feel that there is something in them. To look at the sunny side of everything and make my optimisim come true. To think only the best, to work only for the best and expect only the best. To be just as enthusiastic about the succes of others as I am about my own. To forget the mistakes of the past and press on the greater achievements of the future To wear a cheerful countenance at all times, and give every living creature I meet a smile =) To give somuch time to the improvement of myself that I have no time to criticize others. To be too large for worry, too noble for anger, too strong for fear and too happy to permit the presence of trouble.My Attitude Is my LIFE,,,,,,ARIEL
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My Interests

LEADERSHIP,,, Ever since i was a little kid, my parents use to made me go to this seminars about leadership,, and i hated. But i had no choice, know I know that they wanted me to be some one in this lost world of yours.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, But I did my best and loook at me at the Boardwalk,,,lol,,, But one thing i thank the Boarwalk,, is to MEET ALL YOU FINE PEOPLE,, and have the opportunity to work with you all............ once in a life time we are given the opportunity to alter our destiny and impact the lives of others in a positive way..........Most people never realizeit, others fail to act upon it, and few ever capitalize on it.........It's the select few (not the arm forces) who take the chance, that live life the way God(YWH) intended it to be.... Se les quiere mucho a todos ustedes,, laverdad son super buena onda los quiere su amigaso del alma ARIEL

I'd like to meet:

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My Blog

~~* A trip to remembe ~~*

Yea, it was about time for me to go back home and remember my previus life. Here are some pictures of my trip to my place. Beautiful Oaxaca. Time in Oaxaca goes really slow and you enjoy most of it. O...
Posted by Ariel on Fri, 19 May 2006 12:42:00 PST

A letter to Ariel

What can I say? In such a short time we can live a big illusion. I want to tell you something that would stay in your soul and heart. I do not pretend to teach you how to live in this world, but is ...
Posted by Ariel on Sun, 30 Oct 2005 01:21:00 PST

I want to forget

I want to forget the date i went to the Boardwalk and apply for a job. Why did i insist, why did I chose Arcades, why did I not look for another job when the summer was over, why didnt I got that flig...
Posted by Ariel on Thu, 08 Sep 2005 11:50:00 PST