Jon (BayFunktionEnt.18+) profile picture

Jon (BayFunktionEnt.18+)


About Me

Jon.18.Philp & Sala Burton Academic H.S.C/O 08'.City College Of San Francisco.San Francisco California. Tryin' to be musically talented, HA! All started off with a ukulele. Goal now is a guitar. Then piano. Haha some sexy instruments huh? And once I've done that im gonna serenade ya momma! And if you get lucky then maybe you. Funny guy I am. Nice. Considerate never inconsiderate. First thing i would do is think of you before me. But don't take my kindness for weakness. Real as doode frill. Does it sound like im sellin myself? Haha is it workin? Five bucks homie, yupp that cheap HA! jp. Hopeless Romantic? hear that a lot is that bad? Or good thing? Eh iuno tell me if you find out. Yupp that's pretty much about me. Message me if im missin' something haha late cousss.

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