Member Since: 10/06/2007
Band Members:
Bored? ((Over 100 questions))
[x] Part 1 -- The Basics [x]
What's your name? ::: Oskar
Birthplace ::: REYNOSA
Age ::: 22
Age you act ::: damn...
Current location ::: INDIANAPOLIS..
Eye color ::: brown
Hair color ::: black
Right, lefty or ambidextrous? ::: left
Zodiac sign? ::: gemini
Height? ::: 5'10?...
[x] Part 2 -- Describe... [x]
Your heritage/nationality ::: MEXICANO!
Your hair ::: short
Your fears ::: goin down HILL
Your perfect room ::: ........With a Mixboard, Mac. Pro Tools, Mic, Booth, Artist, n alcohol
What you practically do in a day ::: FIND SOMETHING TO DO.....
[x] Part 3 -- What is/are... [x]
Words you overuse ::: HEY ...
Phrases you overuse ::: YUM YUM GIVE ME SUM.....
Your first thought when you wake up ::: IM JUST HUMAN
Your greatest accomplishment ::: School
Something you want to do ::: RIGHT NOW...EAT
[x] Part 4 -- This or that [x]
Pepsi or Coke ::: LA COCA SABE MEJOR CON POPOTE!!!!!!
McDonald's or Burger Kings ::: ....... Tacos
Britney Spears or Christina Aguilera ::: Hell naw .....
Chocolate or vanilla ::: VANILLA!!
Adidas or Nike ::: ALL DAY I DREAM ABOUT SEX!!!....... HMMM A.D.I.D.A.S.
Black or white ::: black
Bills or Coins ((Think $$$)) ::: BILLS
Burgers or hot dogs ::: TORTAS
Egypt or France ::: damn..... FRANCE.........
Rock or rap ::: Both
[x] Part 5 -- Do you...[x]
Smoke ::: .....what.........
Cuss ::: fuck!!!!
Sing well ::: sing...... hell naw...
Sing in the shower ::: still lookin for...
Talk to yourself --a lot-- ::: naw
Believe in yourself ::: so far..... yes i do
Like taking these longass surveys? ::: sure, got nothin alse to do
Play an instrument ::: naw, but i come out with the my best melodies....
Want to go to college? ::: GOTS TO....
Want to get married? ::: ....
Want to have children? ::: ....
Think you're a health freak? ::: NAW
Get along with your parents ::: only at night
Get along with your siblings? ::: only at night
Think you're popular ::: only at night
[x] Part 6 -- In the past month have you..[x]
Gone out of state ::: ya
Drank alchohal ::: yeah
Smoke ::: what.....
Get high ::: huh......
Done any drugs ::: nope
Eaten an entire box of oreos ::: damn.......
Been on stage ::: naw
Gone skinny dipping ::: wo
Been dumped ::: ...........
Dyed your hair ::: naw
Stolen anything ::: ......
[x] Part 7 -- Your friends! =D [x]
Craziest ::: THE FAM..454784
Loudest ::: damn.........
Most shy ::: ..........
Blondest ::: OG members... aint writin no names....!!!!
Smartest ::: too many street smarts........... dats good!
Kindest ::: ahhhhhhh
Best personality ::: OG MEMBERS and cuzins
Most talented ::: ...........
Best singer ::: NONE
Most ghetto ::: GUETTO........ SHIT....
Drama Queen ((or King XP)) ::: ERBODY... SOMETIMES
Pain in the ass ::: DAMN...... DONT AS ME..
The one you just want to strangle to death ((Homer Simpson style))::: HAHA
Funniest ::: WELL............
Best person for advice ::: ...........
Dependable ::: ...........
Trustworthy ::: .....................
Druggie ::: .
Most likely to end up in jail ::: ..
Person you've known the longest ::: PINCHE WALDO
[x] Part 8 -- The Last... [x]
Last dream ::: S.O.W.A.T.
Last nightmare ::: DAMN.......
Car ride ::: S.O.W.A.T.
Last time you cried ::: 02-..-07
Last movie seen :::
Last movie rented ::: PIRATAS, PURA PULGA
Last book read ::: .....
Last curse word said ::: FUCK HER
Last time you laugh ::: AT DA O.G. D.M.O GUYS, SO DAMN FUNNY
Last phone call ::: ........... HEY BAY BAY..........
Last song you listened to ::: ay zenaida, mango y papaya zenaida
Last annoyance ::: ?
Last IM ::: ?
Last weird encounter ::: ?
Last person you hugged ::: dont know her name....
Last person you yelled at ::: .......
Last time you wore a skirt ::: whoa......
Last time you've been evil ::: evil..... ask da OG MEMBERS, ME EVIL.......
Sarcastic? ::: OKAY
Last time you fought with your parents ::: AT NIGHT
Last time you wished upon a star ::: ...
Played Truth or Dare ::: ......
Spent quality time alone ::: RIGHT NOW
[x] Part 9 -- I swear this is the last one! -- Randomness [x]
Are you talking to someone on .. ON WAT....
Do you feel lonely ::: NAW
Ever TP'd someone's house ::: OHH YEA DATS AIGHT......
How about egging someone's house ::: YEAH........
Do you not like dislike not like me? ::: I MEMBER
Ain't Eminem and 50 Cent just fine? ::: DONT LIKE THEM
Ever been so hungry you felt like you could eat the person next to you? ::: OHH YEAH
What do you think of George Bush? ::: SHIT......
Any secret fetishes? ::: NAW
Do you like to wear chains? O_o ::: NAW
How many languages do you speak? ::: 2
Damn.. are your fingers tired? Cause mine sure are! ::: NAW
Glad this is over? ((Say yes and I'll stalk you =P)) ::: SURE
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Sounds Like: LIKE WO!
Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: Indie