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Benjamin Warsaw

About Me

“Benjamin Warsaw, an Eastman Conservatory student and semi-finalist, whose pristine, spirited account of the Stravinsky Sonata easily won the public's admiration.” — Clavier Magazine.
A native of Atlanta, Georgia, Benjamin Warsaw began his piano studies at the age of eight. Currently pursing his Doctorate in Piano Performance under the tutelage of Anthony Di Bonaventura at Boston University, Mr. Warsaw continues to lead a well sought after career concert as classical pianist, teacher, and accompanist. Mr. Warsaw graduated with both Bachelor’s (‘05) and Master’s (‘07) degrees from the Eastman School of Music, Rochester, NY where he studied piano with Ms. Rebecca Penneys.
Benjamin has performed in numerous solo and ensemble concerts and played in masterclasses for various distinguished artists. In May of 2007 Mr. Warsaw gave his New York City debut at Victor Borge Hall, located in the Scandinavia House, NY, NY. Mr. Warsaw played for many members of the Eastman faculty including John Graham, Lynn Blakeslee, Jean Barr, Zvi Zeitlin, and members of the Ying Quartet. As an accompanist he accompanies instrumentalist of all types including strings, winds, and voice. He currently is employed as pianist for the Boston Ballet Company and School, Boston, MA and at the Jose Mateo Ballet Theatre, Cambridge, MA. Former ballet experience includes accompanying the Atlanta Ballet School, Chautauqua School of Ballet, and Hochstein School of Music and Dance.
In the summers of 2000-2003 and 2006, Mr. Warsaw continued his studies with Ms. Penneys at the Chautauqua Institute for the Arts. He received second prize in the Chautauqua International Solo Piano competition in 2006 and was a finalist in 2000 and 2002. During the summer of 2004, Mr. Warsaw attended the International Keyboard Festival in New York City, where he was a semi-finalist in the piano competition. This past summer Benjamin participated in the Brandywine International Piano Festival held at West Chester University. In addition, Mr. Warsaw had the privilege of playing for internationally acclaimed concert pianist, Earl Wild, and has collaborated with a number of renowned musicians including Evan Wilson, Neil Rynston, Zvi Zeitlin, members of the Rochester Philharmonic Orchestra, and is a guest artist of the New York based ensemble, Vista Lirica.
Benjamin teaches all levels of piano students including beginning children, advanced students, and adults. He has taught piano to open enrollment students at the Chautauqua Institute in the summers of 2003 and 2006, and had numerous private students during his time spent in Rochester. During his Master’s degree, Benjamin was a Teaching Assistant at the Eastman School of Music where he taught group and private piano lessons to undergraduates. Benjamin is currently receiving a Teaching Assistantship teaching group piano lessons to Boston University students.
Throughout his studies Benjamin has been awarded various scholarships. During his summers at Chautauqua Benjamin received the Esther Bleich Scholarship. At Eastman he was the recipient of the Howard Hanson Scholarship, the George Eastman Grant, and the Jewish Educational Loan Foundation. In 2005, JELF asked Mr. Warsaw to present his story and perform for the annual Sunday Brunch Conference Atlanta, GA. Currently, Mr. Warsaw is receiving the Boston University General Scholarship.
A lover of many art forms, Benjamin and his aspiring younger brother, Young Chef Ari Warsaw, form the unique duo Musical Cuisine, which offers hours of in-house concerts catered by Ari. In December, Musical Cuisine will be auctioned off at the annual Wellesley Chamber of Commerce Auction, Wellesley, MA.
For more information on Benjamin including concert schedule, piano lessons, and booking, please visit

My Interests


Member Since: 6/9/2007
Band Website:
Band Members: Steinway and Sons
Influences: J.S. Bach, Chopin, Franz Liszt, Sigur Ros, Pink Floyd, Beethoven, Arthur Rubinstein, Rufus Wainwright, Scriabin, Radiohead, Frankenixon, Bill Evans, Fred Hersch, Dariusz Terefenko, Arkady Figlin, Rebecca Penneys, Joel Schoenhals, Omri Shimron. Jeffrey Brown, Sunset Rubdown, Jeff Buckley, Clifford Brown, Giussepe Verdi, Igor Stavinsky, John Graham
Type of Label: Major

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