In general I'm a born again nut job who enjoys living life to the full and will make something of myself when I'm good and ready
Which is sometime soon I hope lol
But yeah I enjoy lots of different things, music, drinking, films, riding bikes. Theres tonnes of stuff
Many, many, many different people and let's leave it at that.
Anything heavy metal, gothic and/or old school rock.Basically anything I can bang my head too lol
Too many to write down, but to narrow it down, anything dark and gothic, gory gory death and anime
Cartoons which rachel tells me rot my brain, (what brain) music channels, simpsons, sci fi programmes like Doctor Who and stuff
I'm not really a big reader but I do read lots of different types of books from Harry Potter to Lord of the Rings, and a lot of Terry Pratchett
My mother and father for putting up with me over the years lol