Writing poems,reading books,watching and playing sports,listening to music,talking with friends and meeting new ones,playing games ..,going to the mall to hang,watching all the Law And Order tv shows
I met the woman of my dreams already.
80(best music came from the 80s),country,metal,everything except Spanish music
Star Wars Trilogy,Lord of the Rings trilogy,Napoleon Dynamite(shocks,pegs,lucky!),the Matrix Trilogy,Goodfellas,
Law and Order,Law and Order SVU,Law and Order Criminal Intent,Aqua Teen Hungerforce,WWE Raw and Smackdown,ESPN,The History Channel,The Discovery Channel
Lord of the Rings trilogy(best books ever written), every Stephen King novel(I've read them all),Charlie And The Chocolate Factory
My uncle Guy(R.I.P-I'll always love you),the military and all those poor unlucky policemen and fireman that died on 9-11