Layout by CoolChaser Background from flickr user****PLEASE READ MY BLOGS****
o.k. about me...Well I am 27 year old mother of 4. 4 of the best kids in the world. They are all boys, Ezekiel is 7,he lives with me. Josiah is 5 he lives with his dad and Elijah is 4 he also lives with his dad, then my baby is Luke he was born APRIL 16TH 2009. They are my life, they are the reason I get up in the morning the last thing on my mind as I drift off to sleep and the reason I simile throughout the day. There is 1 person who comes before them his name is Jesus Christ. He is my bestfriend and my rock. He is the one who has never left myside and never will. He has always had my best interest in mind and always listens to me no matter how crazy I sound. I have an amazing church called new faith here in virginia beach off bonney road. www.newfaith.ccI work 6-7 days a week, and spend all my time with my kids. I miss Josiah & Elijah really bad, every second of every day. They are in tennessee. I am hoping to go visit this summer. So I about covered it. I love being a mommy. I never knew what the meaning of love was until I saw my children in my arms. I am a follower of Jesus and I have THE BEST church on this planet. I work non-stop to pay the bills. I work with my dad for my family business. We are certified Senior Advisors, We are financial advisors for seniors we help them with their retirements, estates, wills, medicaid, taxes, long term care insurance and life insurance. I am the seminar coordinator & all kind of office shit.So yeah tha is me if you have any questions go ahead and ask me.
I love my kids!!!I am only here today because GOD gave me this gift!! I am going to keep fighting this battle called life cause it comes at me everyday & it has never been easy & I moved back and forth so much & lost touch with a lot people that mean the world to me...I have had a lot of money and material objects and I have been homeless and struggled. **HONESTY, RESPECT, LOVE AND FRIENDSHIP ARE PRICELESS AND FREE!!** I grew up too fast & now it is time too slow down & smell the roses or at least give em a look**I am where I need to be & with who I need to be with & I am traveling with an army of angels***I have almost died...LITTERALY!!!~~~3 times and you know what every second is another chance to reach for the sky and I am here for now...I dont know how long I got cause you cant keep cheating death. I thank my god, Love my family & friends...reflect as much as possible. YOU CANT CHANGE THE PAST. learn and move forward all we have is now and right now I am alive!