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About Me

Masthead Banner Made with MyBannerMaker.com! Click here to make your own!ben comment me definir sans paraitre nombriliste??? je suis simple dite tres ouverte...........d'esprit!!! j'ai horreur des prises de tete alors celle virtuelle encore moins!! de plus je supporte pas ceux qui utilisent le net pour du dragage de contoir!!FASHONNNE VIQUETIMEUX lol:Keeping up with fashion is often very expensive. Expensive clothes signal that the wearer is financially successful, but they are not necessarily cool or fashionable.[3]Designer labels have come to form an important part of our identification of style and fashion. We have all become accustomed to the social acceptance that comes with wearing the right brands. The labels have in many cases migrated from the inside of a garment to the outside. Common examples of this types of branding are Nike, Kappa, and other sports and leisurewear manufacturers. A fashion victim, able to recognise this phenomenon but unable to determine its boundary, may become a ‘walking billboard’.Designer branding is sometimes associated with a higher quality of manufacture and a more expensive price. The ownership and display of such products of quality is frequently marketed to suggest that the wearer will automatically embody a personal characteristic of quality by association. Designers have identified this fact and in some cases are able to exploit this to the extent that prices can be escalated to surprising proportions without reference to the cost of manufacture. Extreme examples of this type of branding are found among accessory manufacturers such as Versace, Gucci and Burberry, scent manufacturers such as Chanel and Guerlain and watch manufacturers such as Rolex and Bvlgari.[citation needed]Fashion victims, by their characteristic inability to recognise boundaries, may aspire to the extreme end of what is available, seeking expensive products (or copies of these products), believing that the outward display of such items will draw admiration in proportion to their actual or apparent cost. Because of this, "the term 'fashion victim' became the ultimate insult to the aspirational."[4]
Amoureuse de LA pour faire chic mais Los Angeles pour les novice hahahaah pretencieuse a mes heureuse aussi!!Everything that happens in the USA happens first in Los Angeles. In glamour, fashion, arts, and cuisine, L.A. is the future taking shape right now. And, of course, Hollywood is the entertainment capital of the world - where the most watched television shows and films are made, and where world famous celebrities live, work and play.Los Angeles has its share of top universities. The University of Southern California and UCLA rank with the best anywhere. Here, close to Beverly Hills and the beaches of Santa Monica and Venice, students find themselves perfectly situated to study and have fun too. Weekend trips take them to Disneyland, Dodgers' baseball games, and to San Francisco and San Diego too
Playboy Princess MYSPACE LAYOUTS

My Interests

voyage, sport, litterature, plage plage et un tit peu de plage si je m'ennui lol "the city of good ol' Watts" la cote east americaine c vraiment moi second element car ma promenade des anglais reste number1
Dans notre société d’abondance, quel plaisir de dépenser de l’argent, même si on est fauché ! L’objet en lui-même n’a aucune importance : qu’il s’agisse d’un article de mode, de matériel hi-fi, d’informatique ou d’une voiture, ne change rien à la force du désir… C’est le fait d’acheter qui provoque la jouissance, comme si l’objet convoité ne pouvait décidément appartenir à aucun autre ! L’acheteuse, l’acheteur, est comme un Don Juan qui désire chaque femme, mais s’en désintéresse dès qu’elle a cédé.

I'd like to meet:

ben dieu car g plusieurs question à lui poser!!! sinon l'ame soeur lol! mais bon l'espoir fait vivre..... mais si tu fais +1.80 brun yeux vert allure sportive et que tu saches repasser ben "welcome" lol
Dernières tendances, gadgets dans le coup, accessoires incontournables... La mode envahit notre quotidien. Etes-vous à l'affût de ces nouveaux courants ? Etes-vous plutôt du genre accro, ou plutôt réfractaire ?
WHERE I LIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Encompassing the 'Midi' region of Provence, the Alps and the famous French Riviera, this region (often referred to by its initials, PACA) borders on the Mediterranean and is one of the country's biggest tourist draws. Famous for its vineyards, wealthy visitors and its colourful scenery which has inspired Van Gogh, Pagnol and Cezanne in their best loved works, this area is also the home of the world famous Cannes film festival. Featuring 900 km of beaches, the Alpine mountains and the large port towns of Nice, Marseille and Toulon, this is one of the country's most varied and attractive regions


du jazz au hiphop en passant par le blues ska rock francais......mais un tit demi tour sur la variet' française beurk!!!!!!


j'aime les bon fim cad: pas de scenar a la con, emmanuelle lol à spiderman III lol plus serieusement: LUC BESSON, MARCEL CARNE,ALFRED HITCHCOCK,KLAPISCH,BENIGNI,JOHN WOO....................


les débat sans fin lol desperate house wife, the shiel, the L worlden fait je suis tres famille canal+ lol


Victor Hugo,Joachim du Bellay,Jean Cocteau,Jean Giraudoux. malgres la polemique Alain Soral,Bernard Clavel, Marguerite Yourcenar,Simone de Beauvoir,Nathalie Sarraute, Evelyne Le Garrec, Dominique Garnier, Nice, pour mémoire (Seuil, 1980)............ Roland Monpierre "Bob Marley, la légende des Wailers"


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