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We refuse to be background music!

About Me

A FEW OF OUR UPCOMING SHOWS...For a FULL BIO, please read "Complete Band Bio 2008" in our Blog.An Interview with Dynamohum...Okay, finally, a sit-down with Virginia Beach’s premier cover band, and one of my favorites, Dynamohum. Although there have been changes in the original line-up, (what band hasn’t had that?) one thing has remained constant – their hard-driven, powerful and energetic sound and performance. This is a band that will electrify you! Hands down, one of the best in the region, even rocking crowds in the particularly hard to please DC area. Not too often do you have the opportunity to be entertained at the level these professionals will take you. As Carol Ennis of Splash Magazine states, “This band truly enjoys what they are doing, are good at it and because of that, you can feel their energy and electricity.”If you have not seen Dynamohum perform live, what are you waiting for?Q: Gentlemen, the long awaited return…what took you so long?A: Well, we started off just doing this “Reunion Tour” with the original members. We did that from August of last year (2007) with New Year’s Eve being our last gig. But we just weren’t ready to hang it up once NYE came around. We had such a good reception from the rooms we had been playing and great support from our fans and even from our peers, and every time we played, the following was growing…it just seemed like a shame to put an end to all of that. Plus we just were having a blast and it was great to be back together again with the other three guys. Of course, Mike decided to go in a different direction after NYE, and we all supported him in that. He is such a talented guitar player, we were a little worried when we found out he was not going to be continuing on with us. But we got lucky and found Carter White. He is an awesome addition to the band and we couldn’t be happier with him. The man is a monster!Q: Joe, how long have you been playing the bass? And do you play any other instruments? A: I’ve been playing for 26 years. Have been known to kill a few guitar chords (the strings are too damn small). I also play 3/4 & 4/4 at the same time on the drums.Q: Paul, how about you? A: Drums for 22 years. And the trumpet a long time ago.The trumpet??Q: And Larry? A: I started playing the drums when I was 13 when my Uncle bought me a set of Ludwigs. I played drums in a few bands throughout high school and for a few years out of school – always wanting to be a singer though, just didn’t think I could sing well enough. When I was transferred to Massachusetts in 1991 by a company I worked for, I decided to take singing lessons because I was bored and didn’t know anybody. And...I guess you could say something was ignited. After that all I wanted to do was sing.Q: Carter? A: I actually started out playing drums too. Then got into playing the guitar more when I was in college.Q: Carter, we spoke earlier about the band you were in during college. From there you went on to NC and met a man that you would eventually end up with on Star Search. Tell us a little bit about how you got to that point and what it was like? A: Yeah, well me and this singer I met in NC we were writing songs and sending demos out to different management firms in Charlotte, NC. Somehow it got into the hands of one of the star search scouts. We had formed a band by that time called Moment of Silence. We went to New York to do a live audition and that got us on the show for the 1991 season. I had no idea we would end up winning. It was one of the most exciting times in my life. I feel fortunate to have had the experience.Larry says, “See, I told you we were lucky to have him!”Q: Larry, who influenced you musically? A: I’d have to say Stevie Wonder, Jonny Lang, Harry Connick, Jr., Darius Rucker of Hootie and the Blowfish, Edwin McCain, and Ray Charles – but not till later in my career when I was given a CD of his.Q: Paul? A: Definitely Tommy Aldridge (of Ozzy Ozborne, White Snake, and Thin Lizzy) and Neil Peart (of Rush).Q: And Carter? A: I actually remember learning how to play bar chords from listening to Bachman Turner Overdrive and Pat Benatar songs. They were easier to learn. I always thought Neil was a cool guitar player. Then you always have Eddie VH. I grew up with that so it is hard not to have that influence on the guitar. If you can comp Eddie’s rhythms, you can play pretty much anything in the Pop Rock Realm.Q: How about you, Joe? A: Too many to say, but in Tidewater, I don’t think you could find anyone better than Dana Silver. Not just as a bassist but as musician. If you’re just starting out, he is who you would aspire to be like and if you’ve been playing for years and have forgotten what it’s all about - go see him play and take the time to talk to him. What can I say Teaford Webber has forgotten more about music and entertaining a crowd than most of us will ever learn. Watching my son play makes me as proud as a father could be. And remember the name Jason Neal, I see a great future for him. Right now he’s playing drums for Carbon Leaf. Once you see him, you know it’s just the beginning.Q: What is your favorite thing about performing live? Paul says, “The energy from the crowd.” Larry says, “Put me down for that too. We feed off of it. Also, when performing live, you get the chance to find that elusive “zone”. That moment when it all comes together, when everything is…just right. You know it and the crowd feels it.” Carter says, “Ditto. The energy of it all. I like big guitar sounds. When you play live you get the chance to put everything to the test. And like Larry said, you search for that perfect performance when the sound and the chemistry is just right and the crowd knows it.”Q: And Joe? A: Up on stage with friends, nothing better. Paul will always bring out the best in anyone.Q: And what do you like least about performing?Joe says, “Breaking down!!!!!!!! And why do I have to be drunk for the girls that hit on me to look good?”(laughter)Paul says, “Yeah, being a roadie at the end of the night.” Larry says, “Yep – breaking down would have be the worst part. My pet peeve would have to be the drunk-a** muther-fer’s – I don’t mean that in mean way – but it does get to you sometimes. And when somebody tries to talk to me while I am singing. It is hard enough to remember the lyrics to over a hundred songs without the distraction.”Q: Carter, what is in your iPod/CD player right now? A: The Dynamohum set lists!!! Which I have to get down. I’ve got big shoes to fill and a lot of homework. Really, I’m a radio listener and will listen to just about anything. I don’t download or buy CD’s anymore unless it’s something I’m going to learn. Most of the time I’m playing or recording at home so that takes the listener part away. The radio is on all day at work!Joe says, “I’ve got all sorts of stuff. Dream Theater, Guthrie Govan, Chris Tomlin but that could change just like that, cause there’s nothing that rocks more than Neil Diamond baby!!!(laughter)Larry adds, “Neil Diamond? Oh my lord.”Q: Larry, how about you? A: Alter Bridge - “Rise Again”. If I could sing that high we would be doing that song in a second. And Stevie Wonder, Ray Charles, Tony Bennett.Q: And Paul? A: I’ve got everything on my iPod.Joe and Larry add, “This is true…he does mean EVERYTHING.”Q: What would be your ultimate concert? In other words, who would you love to see perform, dead or alive?Paul says, “Led zeppelin in their prime, almost happened in 1980 –I had tickets for two shows one month before Gonzo died.” Carter says “For me, Jimi Hendrix and Stevie Ray Vaughn on the same stage - I can’t think of anything that could top that.” Larry says, “Stevie Wonder, and I’d love to see Ray Charles, unfortunately, I’ll never get that chance. So always remember, don’t wait to do the things you love.” Joe says, “I saw Frank Zappa on his last tour before he passed. I’d love to see him one more time.”Frank Zappa, how appropriate, there is a seventeen minute song by the artist titled, “Dynamohum”.When asked if there was anything else they would like to add, Larry says “Yeah, I’d like to leave everybody with this "life-advice", if you’d like to call it that. Remember to always, I mean always, go with your gut. Be nice to everyone, you never know who you’re talking to, and the best revenge is none at all.”I can get on-board with that!Anything else?“Rock On!”********************************************

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Member Since: 6/9/2007
Influences: FOR BOOKING INQUIRIES, leave a message for us here or email us at DynamohumBand@cox.net.If you’d like to be added to our MAILING LIST Click Here . Make sure you include your full name and your email address in the body!If you need to work through an agent you may contact MORE MUSIC GROUP at kmoore@moremusicgroup.com or SAM HILL ENTERTAINMENT by calling 866.SAM.HILL or emailing info@samhillbands.com.If you have pictures of the band and would like for us to post them, email them to us at DynamohumBand@cox.net. We will consider all SONG REQUESTS. Email us your suggestions!
Sounds Like: All your favorites - ROCK- alternative and classic, dance, pop.TOWN POINT PARK and KOKOAMOS ~ 05.30.08..
MAHI MAH'S / NED DEVINE'S ~ 05.16/17.08..
HOT TUNA ~ 05.03.08..
HOT TUNA ~ 04.12.08..
HOT TUNA ~ 03.22.08..
H2O ~ 03.01.08..
HOT TUNA ~ 09.22.07..

My Blog

**THANK YOU FOR YOUR VOTES!! We will be at TOWN POINT PARK this FRIDAY, May 30th**

We sincerely thank each of you for taking the time to vote for us in the 94.9 TGIF contest. Because of you, we took second place out of 9 bands (first place got over 80,000 votes - crazy!) which means...
Posted by Dynamohum on Tue, 27 May 2008 02:53:00 PST

HumBlog for the week ~ 05.22.08

Hey everybody, I'm a little late in doing this  have been super busy  but I am not about to miss the opportunity to thank everyone for coming out to the shows this past weekend. AND we especially w...
Posted by Dynamohum on Thu, 22 May 2008 03:00:00 PST

Dynamohum News - 05.09.08

What's up everybody? Just letting you all know about a few things coming up on the horizon. We are at Mahi Mah's Friday, May 16. This is an important gig for us and we hope to see you all there! SPLAS...
Posted by Dynamohum on Fri, 09 May 2008 03:29:00 PST

Thalia Garden Benefit ~ Sunday, April 20

This Sunday, Starz Restaurant in Virginia Beach, is hosting a benefit for the families of the victims of the Thalia Garden tragedy that took place on March 19. We invite you, no, we implore you to all...
Posted by Dynamohum on Wed, 16 Apr 2008 03:33:00 PST

~~~ Complete Band Bio 2008 ~~~

Our story begins in February 1999 when guitarist Michael Young and vocalist Larry Wood decide to expand their acoustic duo, Peacwurk, to a full band. With Joe Santos brought onboard to hold down the b...
Posted by Dynamohum on Fri, 28 Mar 2008 04:00:00 PST


Hey everybody  hope you all have been well so far this year. We have been busy working on some new songs and we've also got some new things going on that I wanted to let you know about. We now have a...
Posted by Dynamohum on Sat, 23 Feb 2008 08:46:00 PST

Dynamohum 2008

With the new year, comes a new Dynamohum. If you have read our new bio then you already know that we have bid a fond farewell to our dear friend and former guitar player, Michael Young. Okay, I know w...
Posted by Dynamohum on Sun, 27 Jan 2008 09:43:00 PST

New Years Eve

You knew we would blog about NYE. It seems as though we say this a lot! But, here it is again... Thank you so much for an awesome night! I think it was one of the best shows we have had to date. The f...
Posted by Dynamohum on Thu, 03 Jan 2008 02:46:00 PST

Elf us!

Hey we've been elfed! One of our fans has "graciously" elfed us. Check out the link below to see it... http://www.elfyourself.com Merry Christmas!
Posted by Dynamohum on Sun, 16 Dec 2007 06:10:00 PST

Just touching base...it’s been a while

Hey everybody, Wanted you to know we have a show coming up at H2O on Saturday, December 8th. The new owners have brought about a lot of good changes there - a bit differet than it used to be. We're lo...
Posted by Dynamohum on Sat, 17 Nov 2007 08:37:00 PST