Giles profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Just recently, I moved back to the UK from Sweden. At the moment, I am in London, but the winds of change may one day billow me towards Tel Aviv. Or somewher else, I wont be sure until I arrive.I write and produce modern opera and musical theatre. Just recently finished a run of Turkish Delight the Opera at The Rosemary Branch Theatre. Working on several other projects (including the very very exciting 'A Stage Kindly', 'Lady Jane' a concept album about Lady Jane Grey, also several other exciting bits and pieces including a biopic of Maria Callas). Online: and www.turkishdelighttheopera.comUntil recently, I worked also as a home help for the elderly, and as a Swedish/Norwegian/German speaking market researcher. I also helped run a dance academy in Stokcholm when I lived there - unfortunately, it is a street dance academy and I truly hate hip hop. But I love celery and attention and florid coloratura. I am a cat person, though not literally.You should visit the websites where you can download the soundtracks for free for a short period of time, so I recommend you make the most of this unparalleled generosity before I turn back into a horrid and spiteful old man and continue throwing stones at small children. Look out for the upcoming DVD and CD releases and if you've really too much time on your hands, look up the single I just recorded in Israel called 'Torn Between Two Memories'.Anyway, I like to meet new friends, especially creative or ambitious people. So why not write me a message? Dont add me if you're a rock band or rapper though, as I'm not your target audience.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I like exciting people who are creative and have things to talk about or say. Passion and enthusiasm are paramount. Beauty and wit also help :)I LOVE soprano singers and people who wear real fur, eventually I am going to open a second hand fur shop. Or a second fur hand shop. Currently looking for a new muse (must have good chin). People who challenge me creatively or who inspire me are great and I always enjoy working with new talent.I really really appreciate people who don't put prepositions at the ends of their sentences.

My Blog

Blowing my own horn update

My full title is now officially The Right Honourable Lord Giles Philip Gregory Howe of Loch Borralan.. I am also very busy writing the NATIONAL fucking ANTHEM for a new Pacific Micronation called New ...
Posted by on Wed, 24 Aug 2005 10:21:00 GMT

New blood

Hej, I'm new here....   Yes.   G*
Posted by on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 00:00:00 GMT