MasteringUnlimited e’ un servizio di Mastering & Mixing Online gestito dal Producer & Engineeer Sound Gabriel Cage. Come studio di missaggi & mastering vengono impiegate fra le più note tecnologie analogiche e digitali disponibili sul mercato per ottenere dai missaggi e dai mastering il miglior risultato sia in pressione sonora che qualità . Diversi artisti Italiani ed esteri sono oggi clienti di Mastering Unlimited e diversi sono i generi musicali trattati. E’ possibile dal player di Myspace ascoltare dei brani di cui sono stati realizzati sia Mastering che Mix & Mastering. Un’ altro servizio fornito è quello del Mastering Video Conference cioè la possibilità di seguire con uno streaming audio & video il lavoro svolto per soddisfare maggiormente la richiesta del cliente. In questa pagina di Myspace e’ disponibile una scheda tecniche delle tecnologie impiegate e per quello che riguarda i prezzi eseguire una richiesta via email. Diverse promozioni in questo periodo sono disponibili.
MasteringUnlimited is a service of Mastering & Mixing Online managed from the Producer & Engineeer Sound Gabriel Cage. As study of mixing & mastering comes employed between more notes analogic and digital technologies them available on the market in order to obtain from the mixing and mastering the better one turned out are in sonorous pressure that quality. Various Italian and foreign artists are today customers of Mastering Unlimited and various they are the musical kinds deals to you. It’s possible from the player of Myspace to listen of the song of which they have been realizes to you is Mastering that Mix & Mastering. An other supplied service is that one of the Mastering Conference Video that is the possibility to follow with one streaming audio & video the carried out job in order to mainly satisfy the demand for the customer. In this page of Myspace it’s possible to see also a technical card of the employed technologies and for what it regards the rates to execute one demanded via email. Various promotions in this period are available. In this page of Myspace e’ available a card technical of the employed technologies and for what it regards the prices to execute one demanded via email. Various promotions in this period are available.