I liStEn moRe, speak LeSs, and ThiNk BiG. I was BoRn in MicHiGan bUt tHe EArtH is mY hOme. You don'T neEd 2 asK anY qUesTionS aBouT mY pasT. If yOu knOw God and aCknOwleDge thE TrutH, theN you alReadY knOw me. I apPeaR to waLk alOne. LooK agaIn. I aM suRrounDed bY the whiTe liGht of the HolY sPiriT. I wAS reboRn IntO a WorLd wHeRe GoOd aNd EviL aRe aS diFfiCuLt to DifFerenCIAte as GraIns of saNd bY the ShoReliNe...a woRld whEre peOpLe aRe StiLl peopLe beFoRe theY are ChilDreN of the LighT. I do WaLk thru the ShadOwS...but FeAr not of Man, noR of Evil, noR of the DeViL...FoR FEAR iS as hoLloW as HoPe and as UseLess as WoRry. FEAR iS somEthinG 2 bE RESPECTED. becuZ its MaSk is thAt wHiCh reStraiNs uS fRoM reCogNizinG anD embRacinG thE TRUTH. of alL eVils and UnTruThs, tHe TrueSt darKnesS wE caN enCounTeR reSideS in tHe inDiffeRence oF gOoD Men/wOmen; or raTher, The indiFferenCe of sPiRituaLly enLighTEned "GooD meN/WomEn" in LeaDerShiP poSitionS of pRomiNance. I'm noT an adVocaTe of inStitutionalized reLigion. i am, howeVer, an advOcaTe of GOD. My miSsiOn as a solDieR for God is to PromoTE and CREATE sociaL chanGe on a gloBaL LeVel. I plan to caRry ouT thiS misSioN thRough mY reCord laBel, HaiL MarRy ProduKtions. HaiL stands foR Honoring All International Legacy...and MarRy, my first name, reDuCes to the nuMbeR ONE, repReseNtinG the SUN.
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