Los Free Huey's es un proyecto de rock alternativo con ya casi 3 añoz componiendo musica siempre buskando un sonido diferente al de las demas banddaz en la ciudad, con nuevo bajiztta y 8 cancionez respaldadaz por un soniddo independientte, azi ke si buskaz a un a bandda kon un soniddo original para tus fiestaz,peddaz,tokinez,eventos socialez, no dudes en contactar a esta bandda kon ezta propuesta tan interesantte.-----------------------------------------------
----------------------Los Free Huey's is an alternative project with almost 3 years composing music
Always looking for a sound different from da other bands of the city , with a new bassplayer and 8 songs endorsed by an independent sound, so if you're looking for a band with an original sound for your party's ,gigs or social events, don't doubt in make contact with this band with this interesting music real editor best profile tools real editor best profile tools
How I made my profile:
I used Dave & Jay's amazing myspace editor .