Ever get the feeling that you want and need more? More love, more power, more passion, more freedom, more intimacy...more of Jesus? I have reached that Aha moment in my life where I am not satisfied. (It reminds me of a scene from Grease where Sandy takes Frenchie aside ands says she isn't happy and Frenchie tells her she thinks she has a way to help her)Except....I am happy...as happy as I can be where I currently am...but I know there is more joy and peace and excitement...AND I WANT IT. Recently I have been yearning for more. I feel my soul crying out for all that God has promised me. I recently went to an aquarium and there was a wall of glass that held back the water for the fish. I don't want that wall in my life. I want the waters to flow over and consume me. I want it all!! Why have I been settling for the minimum and not reaching for the maximum? With the maximum I realize there is sacrifice. And I have decided to sacrifice some things for the "ALL OF IT". I'm sharing all of this because one of the things is that I spend waaaaaaaaayyyyyyyy too much of my time on this stinkin computer. SOOOO....I am sacrificing ....I will only be checking in on weekends....the time I devoted to this computer will be time I now devote to my father. If you need me please...call me....you all know how to get ahold of me...or know someone who does......I love you all very much............Christy
This layout was
handmade with TLC at My Fab Faith Go get
Here is our next skit!! Practice Tuesdays @ 5