I Love the Beach, I enjoy acting, actually have fell in love with it :)I like Boats and Jet Skis, enjoy fishing, I enjoy good movies hot days and a glass of wine a BBQ here and there and quality time with good friends and family! Love laughing and enjoying those moments in life :) I'm still young and believe theres a pretty good head attached to these shoulders so im going to put it to work and accomplish any goals and aspirations I have set to stone in my brain if it deals with acting im very much at peace!!!"You Can Have My Heart, But Please Promise You Won't Break It" Why Worry About The People In The Past??? There's A Reason They Didn't Make It To The Future!!!"
JOHN McCAIN!!! Taylor Swift, Anna Nicole Smith, My Grandfather R.I.P 10-31-89, Jesus Christ, All my friends again who have already gone home, im sure theres more but whose really reading this!?!?-A-19504502-
Ok...so I love good music, no matter what it is I FREAKING LOVE IT!!!! Music plays a big part in my life...It's something I can sit back, relax and listen and forget about anything...BUT I like most all genres, somedays country is nice (yes im from the country, so you have to represent!) rock...clears my mind! Rap (not a big fan but enjoy Dancing to it!) And most new catchy songs grab the my attention, SO ENOUGH OF THIS! I like all music...no favorite LIKE IT ALL! The Dave Matthews Band is the shit, they inspire me to go on with my life and forget the past even though some days are harder than others...http://www.projectplaylist.com/playlist/additem/708
I love both "BIG MAMA'S HOUSE" movies but i'm not gonna lie, I really don't get the time to watch many movies and they are the only two that I can remember that I like...oh I like WHITE CHICKS too that movie is hilarious. NOW MY FAVORITE MOVIE IS MEDIAS FAMILY REUNION!!!! A really good movie to me was "The Passion of the Christ.
Seeing im trying to persue a lifelong career of acting, anything that has made it to the screens of our Television sets these days are good to me! WELL theres some dumb crap but... If your not in the business you won't really understand...you have to keep up the ratings no matter HOW GREAT YOU THINK YOUR SHOW IS...it could be cancelled anytime, so anything that has made it to Big screen, Television daytime or night time is incredible to me! ) One Tree Hill, CSI (All of them!) Greys Anatomy, Gossip Girl, The Cleaner, Two and a Half Men, Little Britain USA, I'll watch the news when I have time to try and keep up with this crazy world we live in! Dancing with the stars is pretty cool sometimes as well...
I hate to read...im too A.D.D to sit down and actually read, but if had to read like I would probably pick up a bible and try and understand it without someone telling me what it means, i've been reading anything I find dealing with acting if it grabs my attention!"Emotions, drama, broken hearts, and lies. And they say these were the best days of our lives"?
God, Parents, Grandma, My true Friends, Sometimes myself, Whoever has the bright idea to lower the gas prices and the casting director who casts me for some big filim!
Jared wants you to check out a photo on MySpace in the little Britian USA album
I effing love this chick! Me and her.............Trouble spelt over and over again ;)